Friday, September 2, 2011

Somewhere A Clock is Ticking

Previously, On Concrete Shelves
  • The Thurlow family packed-up to attend Shannon’s funeral in Paris.
  • Miles Fowler got promoted to Detective.
  • Damien lied about Abigail being Danielle.
  • Marina went to tell Ian about the article she wrote...
Scene One:
Plane Heading To Paris.
Kirsten and Charlie’s Seats.
Photobucket“How was your father when we left?” Kirsten asked, turning to her husband. It never dawned upon her that Patrick was taking Shannon’s death hard. The other day when Patrick self-destructed at her father’s home should have tipped Kirsten off. But she didn’t think he had those kind of emotions.
Charlie shrugged. “Honestly, he seems real shaken up over it but he isn’t saying anything. I’ve never known anybody to have that kind of hold over Patrick Sutton.” Charlie revealed the necklace that his father gave him. “He wants this to be buried with her.”
“It’s beautiful.” Kirsten gasped, taking the necklace in her hands. The whole time that she stayed in Paris, her aunt never mentioned Patrick Sutton. In fact, she went out of her way, not to mention the Sutton family. “Are you going to do it?”
“That’s what he wants.” Charlie spoked, he sighed. “I know my father loves my mother, I do know that. I just don’t think Patrick was ever in love with my mother. It always seemed so contrived when we were growing up, like our family was just filling in for something better.”
His wife rubbed his shoulder. “You know that’s not true Charlie.”
“Patrick Sutton has always thought of himself first.” Although he didn’t really grow up in Stone Creek, he did visit often, usually when school was out, but never during the summer. He recalled family dinner’s to be icy and quiet with each parent sitting on the opposite ends of the table. “I think my father is still in love with your Aunt.”
There was nothing that Kirsten could say, if it was true, then obviously Charlie would hold a bitter grudge against her family for taking away the childhood he deserved. She just eye’d the necklace, remembering back to a time when she had last seen it.
“This place is beautiful!” Kirsten screamed with enthusiasm, it had been her first time in Paris. She had spent most of her childhood begging her father to let her visit Shannon and her cousins in Paris, but James was always too busy keeping the family business afloat.
She never held it against him.
PhotobucketShannon Jurado appeared next to her niece, a smile upon her face. “Just wait until you see everything. There’s this little Cafe I want to take you to around the corner, I already told Imogene to meet us there. I hope you don’t mind her tagging along with us? She’s been wanting to meet you.”
“That’s fine.” Kirsten replied, her attention caught on the gorgeous necklace hanging from her Aunt’s neck. It must have been worth hundreds of dollars. A emerald tone that glistened in the sunlight. Shannon was lucky to have a husband like Mathias Jurado, a man who would buy her anything.
“Kirsten, are you listening to me?” Her Aunt asked.
Kirsten looked at her confused. “I’m sorry, I was just admiring your necklace. It’s so gorgeous Aunt Shannon, Mathias sure is a nice catch with nice taste.”
“This old thing?” Shannon touched the necklace. “Mathias didn’t give it to me, it was from an old friend of mine from my days in Stone Creek. I guess I just forgot that I had it for so long.” She seemed to go off into her own little world before turning her attention back to Kirsten. “Mathias is a good man and we will be late if we don’t get a move on, hurry up!”
She patted Kirsten on the shoulder, jumping into the car they had waiting for them.
Scene Two:
2634 W. Parker St., Stone Creek. Callahan Condo’s #12
Miles & Greta’s Condo.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Miles Fowler whispered, kissing his girlfriend’s cheek as she woke from her slumber. Greta giggled, shying away from him. So he pulled her on top of himself and kissed her once more. He ran his hand down her body.
“Someone’s awake this morning.” Greta replied, giving in gently.
He licked his lips. “I just want to make love to my beautiful girlfriend before work is all.”
PhotobucketMiles kissed down her neck as she leaned back in pleasure. “We can’t do this right now Miles, we have a child in the condo now. What if Megan wakes up?”
“She wont wake up, we will be extra quiet.” He spoke, kissing her stomach. This was a side of Miles that Greta was used too, he seemed affectionate to her the most when he was nervous. But she tried not to mind, it helped Greta cool down as well.
Greta scoffed, “Do you know how to be quiet during sex?”
“Hey!” Miles looked up at her. “I have no idea what you are talking about. So I grunt a little here and there, there is a difference between that and alarming the neighbors. Besides, you said that turns you on.”
The light of morning barely shown through the curtains, but Greta didn’t need much light to feel the pleasure running through her body. It was true, the sound of Miles right next to her, turned Greta on. His breath upon her body excited her.
“Oh, Miles.” She panted, slipping her underwear off, a smile creeping on her face. “Just be quiet, okay? I don’t want us to wake up Megan.” Her words were lost in her throat as she could feel Miles against her body. Kissing her arms gently.
He eased into her, kissing her lips as she gasped in pleasure. There was so much that he loved about Greta Wilkinson. Unlike his upbringing, Greta’s taught her how to be disciplined and which gave her time to hone the skill of being the level-headed one of the two.
The fact that she always knew what to do helped Miles accept the fact that he didn’t need everyone else on the police force supporting him as a Detective. She had a way of making him smile and the way she gasped when they had sex, how the sound of him pleasuring her made him feel.
Miles leaned down, getting on his elbows as he enclosed her body underneath his, kissing her neck. The man could feel her hands finding their place on his back. He didn’t care what anybody said, Greta was the woman for him. He could just tell.
Then he heard the screams of six-year old Megan Sutton. 
“Shit.” He  sighed, rolling off of Greta, he watched as she composed herself. Miles smiled as she frantically found her robe and tied it closed. “I’ll go start breakfast.”
Greta turned to him. “Thank you! Remember my mother is coming over for lunch, will you be able to make it back home in time? If not, it’s okay I understand how it is at the Police Station.”
She giggled when Miles pulled her into a hug and kissed her. “I will definitely try to be back here for lunch, okay?”
Scene Three:
Plane Heading To Paris.
Caitlyn & James’ Seats.
As Caitlyn Thurlow sat there, headphones in, she waited for her husband to get back from the Bathroom. She had only met Shannon on a number of occasions, one being her wedding day to James. But there was still a deep loss in her heart. Possibly due to her losing Danielle for a second time.
She took a deep breath and watched as the plane cut through the clouds and the sky, which had started to turn a light shade of pink by now illuminated the inside of the plane.
PhotobucketBobbing her head along to the music, Caitlyn didn’t notice her husband coming down the isle and was confused when he magically appeared next to her. “I’m sorry.” She bemused, slipping the headphones off and turning her attention to him. “I was just listening to Snow Patrol.”
James looked at her confused. “Oh, I don’t think we will be getting any snow while we are there Caitlyn.”
A small chuckle escaped her lungs, she then placed the headphones on her husband’s ears to show him what she was talking about. “It’s a band that Marina introduced me to a couple years ago.”
Although he had no idea who this band was, he listened to the music anyways. James felt embarrassed a bit, but then reminded himself that he had other things to worry about instead of the latest music sensations.  “They’re really good.” He spoke, handing the headphones back.
“When I go on trips like this, they calm my nerves.” Caitlyn admitted, she snuggled into her chair. James looked as if he needed his nerves calmed and so she decided to pause the music and put it away. “What are we going to do once we land in Paris?”
Realizing that his wife was talking to him, James pondered the question for a minute. “Well, my mother, Anita, is going to meet us at the Airport and will more than likely take us to get settled in. From there on, I suppose it is just funeral arrangements.”
Caitlyn took her husband’s hand. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He shook it off. “You know, even before Shannon was born, we didn’t think she was going to make it. Shannon spent her whole life fighting for survival. I just--it really feels weird to think about it now, actually.”
“What do you mean?”
PhotobucketJames sighed, dwindling his thumbs. “My Aunt Miranda came to stay with us when my mother was pregnant with Shannon. I wasn’t much older than three. Our older brother, Emmet, was seven.” There was a long pause before he continued. “Aunt Miranda was running away from her abuse ex. boyfriend. At the time our parents didn’t know how dangerous he was.”
The plane hit a patch of turbulence which made the couple uneasy. But once they were clear, James continued the story. “His name was Benjamin Pierce and he was very disturbed. He did so many bad things to my Aunt, but she wouldn’t admit them. One night Emmet went missing and my parents feared that Ben was back in town.”
“This terrified Miranda, so my father Henry, Grady Wilkinson, and a couple others went to follow leads on where Emmet was kept hostage. My mother stood home since she was pregnant with Shannon. They sent me to stay with family out of town.”
“You don’t need to tell me this.” Caitlyn spoke up, noticing the pain in his voice.
But James shook it off. “You need to know this. This is our legacy, our family. By the time they found Emmet, who was buried alive, he was gone. Grady said if they had received the lead minutes before they did, they could have saved Emmet. My father was heart broken.”
“While everyone was off looking for Emmet, Ben broke into our house and attempted to rape my mother, he left her for dead. My father found her in a pool of blood and they didn’t think she would make it, but with the help of Dr. Jeremy Joplin, both my mother and Shannon survived.”
“Oh my god.” Caitlyn gasped, her hand on her heart. Then it dawned on her, looking at James. “What happened to Ben? Did they ever find him?”
James shook his head, which sent chills down his spine. “I don’t know, from what I heard he was never arrested for any of the crimes. He just disappeared from the face of the earth and for awhile my family was never the same. Everyone was just broken and thankful that Shannon was alive.”
Our love. Our fights. Our friendships.
On Concrete Shelves.
Forever, they shall be remembered.
Scene Four:
745 W. Lavender St., Stone Creek. “Old Granger Manor”
Damien & Gillian’s Home.
Gillian Sutton made her way into the Kitchen to find her fiance going through the mail. Usually there wasn’t any hesitation for her to be there, but today he didn’t look too happy with what he had found. She knew this was a job for her to get to the bottom of. So Gillian placed her water bottle on the counter and tightened her hair tie.
“What’s going on?” She asked cautiously, Gillian leaned against the counter searching for eye contact.
PhotobucketFrom the mail, Damien looked up and smiled weakly. “Nothing, just going through the mail. I was thinking that we should grab some breakfast if you weren’t too busy? But you look like you’re heading out for a run, so maybe lunch will do?”
Gillian shook her head. “I can cancel my run.”
“I don’t want you to change your routine for me.” Damien spoke, earnestly. “Besides, exercise is good for you. Especially after the accident. The more active you are, the faster your recovery. Isn’t that what the doctor told you anyways?”
He was right, Gillian had thanked her doctor for letting her off bed rest. She felt like it was a century before she got a good work-out in. But instead, she bit her lip. “You look a little worried, I was just wondering if you needed someone to talk to?”
“I’m fine.” Damien snipped.
Surely he didn’t look fine, so Gillian grumbled. “Obviously something is going on and you really do suck at hiding your feelings so spill, would you? This doesn’t have anything to do with Abigail leaving town, does it?”
“You sure like to pry, don’t you?”
Gillian placed her hands on her hips. “You’re my future husband, I need to know what is inside your head if I’m ever going to marry you! Especially after everything that did happen with Abigail, you cannot leave me out of the dark again!”
“In the dark.” Damien corrected.
A small chuckle escaped his lips as he walked closer to Gillian. “You said ‘out of the dark’, but the expression is ‘out in the dark’. I mean I understand what you are saying either way.”
“When we came to Stone Creek, did we not do well taking on my family and everyone else together?” Gillian dropped her arms, closing the gap between herself and Damien. “We are in this together Damien and since you have been alienated from everyone else, then I’m all you have.”
She could tell he was letting up.
Damien smiled, she was right. “Fine, do you really want to know what’s going on?”

“Would I ask if I didn’t?”
Scene Five:
2634 W. Parker St., Stone Creek. Callahan Condos #15
Marina, Cassie & Lucian’s Condo.
Photobucket“I ruined everything!” Marina digested, stepping into the Kitchen. She found her best friend making coffee and was eager to hold a cup of it in her hands. “I don’t even know what I’m going to do now. The paper is going to run the story and the rest of Stone Creek will know the truth.”
Cassie sighed, “Maybe it’s for the best.” Marina shot her a look. “Look at it this way, now the truth is out. This big secret you were keeping for Ian is out in the open. Didn’t you say it was the main problem for your relationship in the first place?”
Taking a cup from the cupboard, Marina leaned against the counter. “Yeah, that was the main problem. But now I think the main problem is that we don’t have a relationship anymore. Ian broke up with me, remember? After the argument I had with Natalie, I doubt he will ever forgive me.”
“You should have never went to see Natalie.”
Marina smirked. “You know I couldn’t help it. After talking to Ryan, I just, I don’t know what I was trying to do. When Natalie was in a coma I at least knew where she was and what she was doing.” She watched as Cassie hovered over the coffee maker. “She genuinely had no idea about the article.”
“Then maybe you should run down the list of who did know about the article.” Cassie offered, she took the coffee pot and poured a cup for Marina and then one for herself.
“I can’t focus on the article right now, I have to figure out how to fix everything with Ian. He is going to need me after the Marlowe’s find out about him.” Marina’s face grew worried. “Jared won’t accept him as his son and Natalie won’t go against her father’s money.”
“Do you really think Natalie is going to turn her back on Ian?” Cassie asked.
Marina shrugged. “For Ian’s sake, I hope she won’t.”
Scene Six:
Paris, France.
“The plane ride wasn’t that bad.” Caitlyn spoke following her husband as they went to collect their luggage. She could tell that James had thought otherwise, with how anxious he was to get out of the plane. But then again she knew he just wanted to see his mother, Anita.
Kirsten and Charlie followed close behind them, pushing past the other passengers. “One day I will get used to flying.” She admitted, Caitlyn looked back at her step-daughter. “I’m sorry Caitlyn, I’m not trying to put a negative spin on your comment.”
Caitlyn smirked. “Flying isn’t for everyone.”
“I have a question though.” Charlie asked the group, when their attention was on him he continued, “How do we find Anita in this crowd? I can’t even find my own luggage, let alone a person!”
James chuckled. “My mother will find us, don’t you worry about that!” Taking inventory of everyone in the group he noticed that someone was missing. “Hey, another question. Has anybody seen Emmet around?”
The ringing of his phone, made James reach into his pocket. “Hold this bag, will you Charlie?” James got his answer when his son’s number appeared on his phone. “Emmet, where the hell are you son?”
The others gathered around him to listen. 
“James Thurlow, how in the world can you lose your only son?” Anita Thurlow asked in the background. “Emmet, can you tell your father to meet us at the entrance of the Airport, I have a car coming for us in twenty minutes and I don’t want to keep him waiting.”
“Dad, did you get that?” Emmet asked, amused.
James smiled. “Yeah, we got that loud and clear.”
Scene Seven:
745 W. Lavender St., Stone Creek. “Old Granger Manor”
Damien & Gillian’s Home.
Gillian sighed, when she returned to the Kitchen she brought her purse with her. She knew that being in a relationship with Damien Crenshaw was going to be risky. Especially after he revealed his connection to Caitlyn Thurlow and then after he revealed that Abigail wasn’t really Danielle.
Photobucket“Here.” She said dryly, handing over a check. “Listen, I don’t know what is going on. But you are my fiance and being that, you have me here. If it is money that you need, to hopefully invest in something good, then take it!”
Damien looked at Gillian with confusion. “I thought you lost everything when Patrick kicked you out of the Hollyoak Manor?”
“It’s true, my father froze my trust fund but what he doesn’t know is that I made a little investment of my own.” Gillian replied, she seemed amused with herself. “My father made it clear to me early on that I would have to live by his rules. So I decided to leave town and travel the world. Which allowed me to use rich men for their money and I started to put money from my trust in a secret account.”
There was something about Gillian’s determination that turned him on. Looking at the check in front of him, Damien knew it was enough to secure his investments. After a couple of his investors started to pull out after the news that plagued his credibility, he knew it was a matter of time before he ran out of money.
“I can’t take your money.” He refused.
“Why not?” Gillian huffed, she looked at the check. “This is my money, not my father’s money! Damien, these people have all tried to get me to leave you alone in this house. Everyone is against you, at least let me help you out. I know there is a good guy in there, I’ve seen him before.”
Damien smirked. “Fine, but do you know what this means if I take your money?”
“I’m your sugar-momma?” Gillian smirked.
“No.” Damien scoffed. “That you are the woman that I am meant to marry. Just you watch after I get all of this sorted out then we will get married. I don’t want to take your money away from you Gillian, I will pay you back every cent, alright?”
Gillian nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”
Scene Eight:
Paris, France.
“How are you holding up mother?” James asked, taking the older woman into his arms and hugging her tightly as everyone around them watched, holding their breath. Nobody had mentioned anything to do with Shannon since they got to their destination.
PhotobucketIt seemed that the Jurado’s had all went in on a nice three story home. Anita Thurlow smiled at her son and once she ended the embrace she looked at her grandchildren with wet eyes. “I’m just glad to have everyone here, well, if only Marina would have thought it wise to be involved.”
“She had something she needed to clear-up.” James acknowledged, although he had wished his youngest daughter was there with the family as well. “I’m glad that Mathias has provided you with a place to stay.”
Anita sighed. “I actually bought this place. When I moved to Paris I had a couple investments working my way and with the extra money I bought it. It is easier this way, with everyone being under one roof.” She looked at Kirsten. “I’m sure you understand darling, taking up with a Sutton like you did.”
Kirsten opened her mouth to retaliate, but she decided against it. “Well, I had a long plane ride here, is there anybody who can show us to our rooms grandmother?”
“That sounds like a good idea to me!” Emmet Thurlow seconded, giving his sister’s shoulder a squeeze. Which she paid him back for by patting his hand. “If you don’t mind us leaving you three alone?”
“I’ll fetch Imogene.” Anita injected, her attention on James. Although she did want to catch-up with her grandchildren, Anita needed to talk a couple things over with her only remaining child. Her eyes cold to the fact that she hurt Kirsten’s feelings.
“I’m right here.” The meek voice of their younger cousin announced, they turned around to see Imogene Jurado standing in the doorway with her hands behind her back. “I was on my way to my room anyways, so I can show them to their rooms.”
Peering at the younger woman, Anita could tell she was hiding something, but refused to address it. “I’m sure they would love that Imogene. If you could all make it down for dinner tonight, that would be lovely.” Her voice strained, her grandchildren all made their way out of the room.
“I can go as well if you want to be alone.” Caitlyn offered.
But Anita shook her head. “You’re my son’s wife, there shouldn’t be secrets between the two of you.”
“Right.” James spoke, he held his wife close to him as to challenge his mother’s concerns about Caitlyn. “Now that we are all on the same page, what is it that you want to discuss with us mother? I don’t want to be a bother, but we need would like to take a rest before dinner as well.”
“I don’t think your sister’s death was an accident.”
Scene Nine:
Photobucket“Here you go.” Imogene announced, opening the door to Emmet’s temporary room. She let her cousin walk in first and lingered at the doorway, not quite sure how to communicate with him. “So you’re supposed to be married, right?” 
The extravagance of the room caught Emmet off-guard, although it shouldn’t have since the high ceiling and spacious room was a lot like Kirsten and Charlie’s guest room. Emmet didn’t even turn to face his cousin. “No, I’m just engaged right now, to a woman named Iris. One of these days I’ll bring her for a visit, I think you’d like Iris, she’s really nice.”
Imogene cracked a smile. “I’m sure she’s just a pocket full of sunshine. Listen, I know things are done differently in America and I don’t know the specifics of what kind of person you are-”
“Am I a test subject for your Biology class or are you trying to make conversation?” Emmet asked, he jumped on the King-Sized bed and found himself sinking into it. There was something about this place he was going to miss, he knew that.
Rolling her eyes, Imogene pulled a bag of Marijuana out of her pocket. “You want to smoke?”
Emmet found himself realizing what Imogene was getting at. Looking from the bag, to her and then back at the bag he shook his head. “Thanks, but I think I’m good.”
“Your loss.” She said excusing herself from the room.
“It’s not any of my business, but that’s not a good coping mechanism in situations like this.” Emmet spoke, watching as she stopped in the doorway and turned around. “Not trying to tell you what to do or anything. You’re a smart girl Imogene, I’m sure you can figure that out on your own though.”
She looked at her cousin, through watery eyes. “My mother’s dead, yes, but this has nothing to do with her death. I’ve been smoking because I have to deal with this fucking family.” Imogene said before stomping out of the room.
Emmet sighed heavily.
Scene Ten:
2634 W. Parker St., Stone Creek. Callahan Condo’s #12
Miles & Greta’s Condo.
PhotobucketHer eyes darted to the clock on the wall. It was becoming more of a habit as the time passed. Placing a cup of water in front of her mother, Greta smiled. “I hope you don’t mind that all we have right now is water, mom. I mean we can go to Alice’s Haven if you wanted.”
“This is fine darling.” Daphne replied, she took the cup in her hands. “How have you been? Between the hospital and everything that has been going on with your grandmother and that Catalina woman, I just haven’t had the time to spend with you kids.”
Greta brushed it off. “It’s completely understandable. Dad told me that grandma is going to go forward with the surgery? I’m so proud of her.” Her eyes found their way to the clock once more.
“Are you alright Greta?” Daphne asked, she looked a the clock and then back at her daughter. “Besides handing my this water, your eyes have been glued to the clock. You’re not worried about Miles, are you? Because if you are, I completely understand if he can’t make it.”
Her daughter slouched. “Taking care of Megan, I’ve just realized what it means to have a family. If we do eventually get married and have children, I don’t know if I can just sit at home and wait for him to get off work.” Daphne placed her cup down.
“Listen, Greta, it’s not easy to be in a relationship with a police officer. I’m not going to tell you that you aren’t going to worry about him. Because I worried about your father for years. What you need to understand is that his main goal is to come back home to you at the end of the day.”
“How did you overcome your worries?” She asked her mother.
Daphne chuckled. “I’m a surgeon, I just was too busy to worry about your father. Gideon had always reassured me that everything would be okay and that he would take care of himself in the line of duty. He never wanted me to worry and when I realized that, working just came easily.”
“I’m a real estate agent, my work is more sparse.” Greta cheeked, she then was distracted by the little girl who ran into the Kitchen. “Hey honey, what’s wrong?”
“The TV changed!” Megan huffed. “I didn’t do it.”
Greta smiled. “Well lets go find the remote, alright?”
Daphne smiled at Megan and allowed Greta to take the girl back to the Living Room. She watched as her daughter interacted with the little girl, knowing that when the time was right, Greta would make a great mother. She would be the mother that Daphne wasn’t able to be.
Scene Twelve:
“Do you think my Aunt Shannon was still in love with your father?” Kirsten asked, she had spent the last couple of minutes unpacking in silence. But the same question kept coming to the front of her mind as she thought back to the necklace that Patrick gave Shannon.
Kirsten turned to face her husband. “I mean, she had the necklace for all those years and then one day your father had it again. That means they had to have met at one point in the last five years to exchange the necklace. Do you think that she still loved him?”
“I really don’t know how she felt.” She could tell Charlie didn’t want to have the conversation. “Kirsten, what if she mailed the necklace back to my father? We really don’t even know if they had seen each other in the last decade. Let alone if she still had feelings for him.”
“I’m sorry if you don’t want to talk about this.”
PhotobucketCharlie sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to talk about this Kirsten, it’s just that there is no talking about it. Wether she still had feelings about him or not, it doesn’t matter because she is dead Kirsten! That doesn’t help my father one bit.”
“I know she is dead Charlie, my god I know!” Kirsten spit, she slipped onto the bed. “There is just so much going on right now with our families and it just seems, well it just feels that fairy tales don’t exist anymore. How do you fall in love with one person and raise a family with another?”
Scooping his wife in his arms, Charlie kissed her forehead. “We will never have to know about that Kirsten. Because I am married to the love of my life and we are raising an amazing little girl together.”
Kirsten pressed her head against his chest just as someone knocked on the door.
“I’ll get that.” Charlie spoke, he looked back at his wife with a comforting smile and then answered the bedroom door. Although he hadn’t known Aidan Jurado, he knew his face from family pictures. Kirsten’s younger cousin stood in the doorway with a smile on his face.
“Is Kirsten in?” Aidan asked, his hands stuff in the pockets of his pure black business suit.
Kirsten appeared at the door and hugged her cousin. “It is so good to see you Aidan! Last time I was here we were sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night.”
Looking at her watch, Kirsten knew they were going to get in trouble. After her Aunt Shannon made it clear that she was to have a curfew while in Paris she knew there were parts that she would never see. But her cousins had other ideas. “Where is Aidan?”
Imogene Jurado shrugged, her age and attitude was what brought worry to Kirsten when all three entered the club. But the fact that these kids had power at their fingertips made Kirsten feel a little bit more comfortable. She still couldn’t believe that Aidan and Imogene could get into a nightclub, let alone drink in one.
She knew there was no way to get Imogene off the dance floor so she figured since she knew where her younger cousin was, it was best to leave her there and search for Aidan. Kirsten hadn’t seen him in awhile. Making her way to the bar, she had hoped her was getting another drink.
But there was no sign of him.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Kirsten turned around to see a gorgeous man flashing her a smile.
Kirsten didn’t have the time to flirt with the rugged stranger. “I don’t have the time for this.”
“You look flustered, so I am sure you need a drink. You’re not with anybody are you? Because that would make me the pompous jerk you hear about in stories.” He motioned towards the bar, trying to help her make a decision. Kirsten looked around, she still saw Imogene on the dance floor.
Then she caught sight of her cousin, Aidan in the corner of the nightclub making out with a guy. Kirsten knew that her cousin was private about his love life. Her heart sank knowing that he must be keeping the fact that he was gay a secret. She turned to the man. “Yeah, I can go for a drink.”
“Good.” He spoke, leading the way. “My name is Gavin.”
Next Time, On Concrete Shelves
  • Aidan reveals a painful secret.
  • Kirsten continues to flashback to her past.
  • Emmet gets blind-sided.
  • The family business is in jeopardy...