Friday, December 17, 2010

Catalina Cortez

Full Name: Catalina Cortez
Date of Birth: March 14th, 1979
First Appearance: 1.18 "Belle of the Boulevard"
Last Appearance: 2.18 “I’m Not Saying Goodbye”
Current Occupation: Untold.
Previous: Project Manager at Sutton Enterprises
Hometown: Somewhere in Mexico
Current Residence: Wallingford Springs Institution
Previous: 2634 W. Parker St., Stone Creek. [Callahan Condos #22]
Parents: Untold
Siblings: Isobel Cortez [Deceased]
Children: None
Significant Other(s): None
Previous: Slept w/ Patrick Sutton in 2011
After the Cortez siblings lost their mother when Isobel was twelve, they set out to carry on. Catalina worked non-stop and has stone-hedged any sort of relationship she has ever had. Her main priority had always been her younger sister, Isobel. The oldest of the two got a job in Stone Creek and decided they needed to leave Los Angeles behind.
Right away, Catalina Cortez got into business and bed with Patrick Sutton in hopes to get her hands into his company and be able to provide for her rebellious sister, Isobel. The two sister’s constantly bickered on many things, but Catalina was glad that Isobel had secured a job.
PhotobucketIn 2011 it was revealed that Catalina was “Inez” and that she was working with Audrey Briggs. She ransacked Cassie’s home, and after Patrick fired her, Catalina shot him. After the death of Isobel, Catalina blamed herself for not being able to care for her sister. She went on a rampage, holding Penelope, Gideon and David hostage. But Mac Kern talked her down and she collapsed in fear.
Once Audrey’s plan started to unravel, Catalina held her hostage with Cassie Lakhani and revealed what Audrey had been planning. Before she could do any harm to either woman though, Clifton Briggs saved them. Being placed in prison and on the verge of being locked up, Penelope Wilkinson stepped in and was able to get a plea of insanity for her. 
Catalina resides in Wallingford Springs Institution where Penelope and Mac tends to visit her every now and then to check-up on the grieving woman.
Portrayed by: Michelle Rodriguez [2010-2011]