Monday, May 9, 2011

Headlights On Dark Roads

Previously, On Concrete Shelves
  • Natalie was pulled out of the wreckage, unconscious.
  • Diem told James about her suspicions.
  • Marina and Ian finally admitted their feelings.
  • Catalina held a gun to Penelope’s head...
Scene One:
2300 Cranberry St., Stone Creek. Stone Creek Apartments #18
Bentley’s Apartment.
His finger’s lingered over her body. They had spent most of the night just talking about the accident that it seemed so fresh in his head. As the spring breeze entered the bedroom, Bentley Wilkinson tried to sleep, but nothing was coming.
Photobucket“What are you doing up?” Emily Roscoe asked, lifting herself up on the bed. She looked at her boyfriend as he smiled up at her. “Was it all that talk about the accident? I had a nightmare about it yesterday. It kept me up all night.”
“I know.” Bentley chuckled. “I was here, remember.”
Emily nodded.
“Listen, about the whole accident. I’m just really sorry that I wasn’t there to pick you up after work.” He recalled the night. “Time just got away from me and by the time I remembered--well, you know the rest. From here on out Emily, I will be there for you.”
“That means a lot to me.”
“You look parched.” He spoke, feeling her head for a fever. “Maybe you need a glass of water? How about I go into the kitchen and get us both a glass of water?”
Emily chuckled.
PhotobucketShe then pointed to Bentley’s leg. “That would mean that you would need me to get the wheelchair, or even the crutches, and then I would have to help you with the door and probably help you pour the glasses. Oh Bentley, what are we going to do?”
“How about we just lay here?”
Emily smiled. “I really do like that idea.”
“Good.” Bentley replied. “It’s getting cold in here. Is there any way that you could close the window?”
Looking down at her cast she mentally maneuvered her free hand to close the window and then looked at Bentley. “Not the hand I usually use, but I can try.”
They both chuckled in bed, trying to figure out how they could get through their normal routines. “Do you ever think you’ll be able to drive again?” Bentley asked, their laughter falling into silence. “I mean, once your arm heals. Do you think you could get behind the wheel again?”
Letting out a breath of air, she turned to Bentley. “I don’t even know.”
Scene Two:
Stone Creek Memorial Hospital
Hospital Room
Penelope Wilkinson looked through the window as she remembered what happened to her here a couple days ago. She had no anger towards her captive, all the anger was directed at herself. Because of her reckless driving  two women were in ICU and one man was dead.
The police, and everyone else, were quick to call it an accident. But there was a strange feeling at the back of Penelope’s mind that didn’t sit well with her.
“How are we doing today Nell?” David Schmidt asked, peering into the room to see his patient looking out the window. He closed the door behind him and picked through her test results. “I’m glad you were able to come in after what happened last time.”
PhotobucketShe shrugged. “I didn’t press any charges against her, I couldn’t.” She responded, mostly to herself. “I just want to know why I put so many people in harms way. I don’t remember anything that happened. I take it that you know what happened?”
“I ran a series of tests.”
David looked at the woman in front of him. Penelope Wilkinson spent many years in Stone Creek as a caregiver to many of the resident’s. Her family had been through it’s fair share of tragedy. Penelope and her husband had taken in a young man whose mother was heavy into drugs. 
“Nell, it’s hard to tell you this, but you have cancer.”
In that moment Penelope felt her heart skip a beat. She wished that Gideon was right next to her this time, instead of meeting her later after his shift. Taking a seat in front of David she tried to wrap her mind around the information.
“Okay,” She whispered. “What kind of cancer?”
“The good news is that we caught it right in time Nell, all we have to worry about is getting it completely out of your body. There are a couple of surgeons in our hospital that are profound in these types of cases and lucky for you one of them is your daughter-in-law, Daphne.”
Penelope shook her head.
“I put together a set schedule of procedures that you will have to endure.” David went on, handing some papers to Penelope. “You had what seems to be a mild seizure while driving your car home the night of the accident and you lost control of the wheel. This process will be a long recovery, but I know you can get through it.”
“What kind of cancer David?!”
He gulped. “Brain cancer.”
Then it hit her. Every battle she has ever fought was not as big as this one was.
Scene Three:
505 Auburn Rd., Stone Creek. “Thurlow Cottage”
James & Caitlyn’s Home.
Photobucket“Don’t you have to get to work?” Caitlyn asked as she waltzed into the living room, eager to start her day. She placed her bag down on the couch and the book in her hands, was placed on the side table. “Not that I don’t mind seeing you this early in the morning.”
James Thurlow kissed his wife. “I have a few minutes before I have to leave. I wanted to stick around and see how you were holding up.”
“You’re checking up on me?” Caitlyn scoffed. “Mr. Thurlow, you were the one recently involved in a serious car accident. There was a time when we didn’t know if you were going to make it. I should be checking on you.” She sighed.
“I should have been paying more attention to you lately. I’ve been off trying to learn about my new daughter, things have just been passing right on by me!”
She watched as her husband paced around the room. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” James lied. “I have just been worried about you. Caitlyn, you know I can take care of myself and besides the doctors gave me a clean bill of health. There is nothing wrong with me. I’ve noticed that you’ve been leaving a lot lately.”
Caitlyn sat down at the couch. “I don’t know what to do James. I want to get to know my daughter, I really do, but I don’t understand why Damien has to interject himself into every conversation that we have. Maybe I’m being too hard on him?”
“You’re being defensive, after everything he put you through, I don’t blame you for it and neither should Abigail.” James sat next to his wife. “Do you remember when we got married?”
His wife recalled the memory. “How could I forget? During the reception Marina told me that she hated my guts and that she would never accept me as her mother.” Caitlyn frowned. “I don’t think I had ever felt so alone in my life.”
“But we got passed that.”
“A few bumps and bruises along the way.”
James chuckled. “But we did. My children adore you, and to Kirsten, you’re the only mother she will admit to ever having. The point is, no matter what happens Caitlyn. No matter what happens with Damien and Abigail, you have a family here that will be by your side.”
“I appreciate that James, I really do.”
Kissing his wife on her forehead, James stood up. “I love you Caitlyn and no matter what happens, don’t you ever forget that, okay?”
Our love. Our fights. Our friendships.
On Concrete Shelves.
Forever, they shall be remembered.
Scene Four:
Stone Creek Memorial Hospital
Natalie Marlowe’s Hospital Room
It was the third time Ian ignored her call today. Although he felt bad about ignoring Marina’s calls, this was the only time he could get into his half-sister’s room without running into her parents. Running into their father. Seeing Jared Marlowe always caused Ian’s heart to sink.
It was a fact that he kept from Marina.
PhotobucketBut he placed his cellphone in his pocket and continued into Natalie’s room. She was still hooked up to all the monitors like before. 
“Hey sister.” He spoke, sitting across from her and looking her over for any signs of her waking up. “I know that you’ve been a stubborn person while you were awake. But I never knew you were as stubborn while asleep. I’ve got to tell you, everyone is worried about you.”
He made it a habit.
Ian ran his hands through her curly brown hair and rubbed the side of her face. “Do you remember when we first met and how you were so oblivious that you tried to set me up with your friend Randy, which would have been a nice gesture except for the fact that he was a guy!”
Natalie Marlowe’s eyes widened at the realization. Her hands covering her mouth in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry! I just thought-I thought that when you weren’t interested in me back at the college.” Ian recalled the conversation. “I just thought you were gay!”
“Do I look gay?” Ian scoffed.
His half-sister shrugged. “Well I mean, your hair looks nicer than mine!”
Natalie frowned when Ian began to laugh at the ridiculous comment. “What?”
“You are so self-involved.”
The last couple of days had been so hard on Ian and he just wanted Marina to understand how he felt about it. But she wouldn’t reason with him, not over Natalie. He knew that Marina didn’t want Natalie hurt, but he also knew what the two of them have been through.
“You need to be okay Natalie.” Ian spoke, licking his lips he tried to focus on the good. “Without you Natalie, I don’t think I can be strong enough to stay away from our father. I know how much he means to you and I know we’ve had this talk before.”
“Marina thinks that I should tell him that I exist.” Watching Natalie’s monitor as it beeped and chimed, keeping her heart at a perfect pitter-patter. “I told her about our plan about why I couldn’t talk to him. But she is persistent, she reminds me a lot of you. I think the two of you could get along some day.”
Looking at the time, Ian frowned. “I should go, your mother will be on her way soon. She likes to stop by here after her daily lunch date with our father. Kelly reads you your favorite Jane Austen book, but I’m sure you hear her.”
Photobucket“Who are you?” Kelly Marlowe asked, stepping into the room.
Ian looked up. “I’m sorry Mrs. Marlowe.” He gathered himself and headed for the door but she stopped him in his tracks. “I’m just a friend of Natalie’s.”
He stood on his heels as she looked him up and down. There was a familiarity about the guy, he could tell as her eyes watered a little. “How do you know that I read Sense and Sensibility to my daughter.” She looked down at the book clutched in her arms. “Are you watching me?”
“It’s not like that.” Ian recounted. 
“Oh my heveans!” Kelly Marlowe spoke, pushing past Ian. She looked at her daughter as the girl's eyes began to open. “Oh my heavens! Somebody come help my daughter! My daughter is awake!” Her eyes locked on Ian once more and then back at Natalie.
But the girl wasn’t responsive to her mother. Her eyes fluttered open, regaining as much consciousness as possible. “We’ve been waiting for you darling, we’ve all been praying that you’d wake up! Oh thank god that you’re alright. Thank the heavens.”
“Ian.” Natalie muttered, trying to move around. “Ian?”
Kelly looked up at the man in the doorway: Ian.
Scene Five:
Sage Garden’s
Alice’s Haven Cafe
Photobucket“That’s good news!” Kirsten Sutton spoke as she placed a cup of tea in front of Cassie Lakhani. She had invited her sister, Marina and her best friend Cassie to the cafe for a little catching up. Smiling at the news that Cassie was getting ready to restart her life, Kirsten thought back to hers.

Taking a sip of her tea, she turned to Marina. “I think now that we all have everything we’ve wanted I think it’s time to finally focus back on you. How are things going with yourself and Ian?”
Kirsten furrowed. “Who is Ian?”
“This guy I’ve been talking to.”
“Wait, what?” Taking a seat next to her sister, Kirsten rubbed their hands together. “Okay you need to tell me what is going on in your life. I feel like we don’t even get to see each other anymore! Who is this Ian guy?” She looked at Cassie.
“He is a guy that Marina met while dating Ryan.”
Marina frowned. Hearing Ryan’s name brought back all the memories they shared, she had been pushing back any memories of him for weeks. 
But Kirsten brought her crashing back to reality. “Wait a minute, is Ian the guy that got between Ryan and you? Marina is that really wise to be in a relationship with someone who helped break-up your relationship with your ex of two years?”
Photobucket“We changed.” Marina spoke. “Ryan and I, we just didn’t work out and Ian being there wasn’t the reason. He’s a really nice guy Kirsten and I think you would like him a lot.”
Kirsten softened. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that. It’s just that I’ve seen you with Ryan and there was a lot of history there. You know I only want what is best for you.”
“I know. Right now I think that Ian is what is best for me.” She let her finger linger over her drink. “I really think that Ian is the man that I could possibly spend the rest of my life with. There’s no question of how I feel for him.”
“I’m happy for you.”
Scene Six:
507 Auburn Rd., Stone Creek. “Wilkinson Cottage”
Gideon, Daphne & Penelope’s Home.
PhotobucketWalking into the house, Diem Joplin greeted her friend's with a kiss on the cheek. “I’m just so glad that the two of you could take time out of your schedule’s to meet with me. It actual is a favor of both myself and James’.” She looked at the cups of tea that Daphne Wilkinson must have put out for them and smiled.
It was always so warm and comforting walking into the busy Wilkinson home.
“No of course, we have plenty of time for our friends.” Gideon spoke, offering Diem a seat. “What is going on? You seemed so urgent on the phone.”
Diem frowned. “There is so much to share with you two right now and we don’t have much time. This has everything to do with Caitlyn and Damien and their daughter Danielle.”
“You mean Abigail?” Daphne asked, shrugging when the two turned to her. “That’s what she goes by. I’ve talked to her a couple times at the hospital, she seems like a sweet young lady. But I’ve noticed that she favors Damien as if he was the holy saint.”
“That’s what I was afraid of.” Diem quipped, thinking back to her conversation with James about Abigail’s paternity. She hoped that Abigail wasn’t in cahoots with Damien. She took a sip of her tea and then explained. “I have reason to believe that Abigail isn’t who she claims to be.”
Daphne perked up at the news.
“What kind of evidence Diem?”
“Don’t get mad at me Gideon!” She exclaimed. “I had a DNA test done on both Abigail and Caitlyn while I had both of them in the hospital. I mean technically it wasn’t stealing. I had my suspicions for awhile and that was the perfect time to actually dig deeper.”
Although he was aware of Diem’s tactics, he still didn’t like that she weaseled her way around all the time. He sighed, “Well, what were the results?”
“Abigail Jenkins isn’t Danielle.” Diem looked down, licking her lips. “She wasn’t a match for Caitlyn at all. The tests were done professionally and nobody intervened, trust me. I made sure of that. But as of right now the only people who know about this is myself and James and-”
“Us.” Daphne breathed, still trying to take in the news.
Diem shrugged. “Well, there is one other person who might know.”
The two looked at Diem confused. “Who?”
Scene Seven:
Outskirts of Sage Garden’s
Thurlow Lumber Mill
Photobucket“I was waiting for you to come ruin my day!” James Thurlow spit as he handed his ex. wife a hard hat to wear. He then proceeded to walk into the factory knowing all well that she would be forced to follow him in as well. “So what kind of wager would you like to bargain today?”
“I beg your pardon?” Helen scoffed.
James turned to her, which stopped Helen in her tracks. “Listen, there is going to be a point when you stop trying to pull the rug out from under me in this family Helen and I think now would be a great time. So please, tell me, what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I saw Diem the other day.”
“Great!” James smirked, he then began to focus on the task at hand. He made it his personal mission to stay close to his employee’s so through monthly check-ups at the mill, James greeted, quizzed and got to know each and every person working for him.
He was actually surprised that Helen remembered today was his visit to the mill. She never remembered that while they were married. 
There was something comical about watching Helen mold herself into her surroundings. “Now she did her best at hiding this little tidbit of information from me, but you know how I like to dig. I didn’t know for sure what she was being secret about until I confronted you.”
Helen put herself in front of James. “Abigail isn’t really Caitlyn’s daughter, is she?”
“Do you know how human emotions work Helen?” James asked, his eyes cold. “The human mind is magnificent, but it is like a computer and sometimes, most often when it undergoes tremendous amounts of stress, it shuts down. Emotions, they are how the body deals with this stress-”
“Last time I checked you weren’t a scientist James.” Helen interrupted. “How the hell are you going to tell Caitlyn that Abigail Jenkins isn’t really her daughter? No offense, but your wife isn’t exactly a stable person. Caitlyn will self-destruct.”
Helen frowned. “Oh, well now I get where you were going about the whole human emotions. Well yes, I think your wife is going to shut down after she finally learns that she had been lied to once again. But as well, imagine what that young woman will go through.”
“Can we not discuss this here.”
“Wait, you think that Abigail knows the truth, don’t you? Oh god James, this is only getting better as the lie gets bigger.” James placed a hand to his forehead, massaging his temples. “I won’t tell her the truth if that’s what you think I’d do.”
Helen shrugged. “This has nothing to do with me. I might be a bitch but this just seems like a cruel practical joke, don’t you think? What are you going to do?”
James watched as Helen seemed actually concerned for him. Hesitantly he let his guard down. “Well firstly I thought about having a group meeting. But I don’t think Caitlyn needs to hear it from me. She needs to hear the truth from Damien.”
“Like he’d ever confess to that.”
“I know that.” James replied, irritated. “I just need to find a way to get Damien to confess.”
Helen folded her arms. “Honestly James, and don’t take this the hard way because I know you’re sensitive in that way, but I don’t think Diem nor yourself can actually come up with a good enough plot to get a conniving con like Damien Crenshaw to confess-”
“Well, Helen, I guess that only leaves one other person.”

PhotobucketA smile evaded Helen’s usual stern glare. “Now you are talking my language. But there is one condition James, if you want me to help your darling wife Caitlyn get the truth out of Damien then you are going to help me re-connect with my children.”
“I can’t promise you that Helen.” He quipped, slipping his hands into his pockets.
Helen glared at him. “He’s a very dangerous man, James.”
“You cheated on me with a doctor.”
“Will you ever get over that?” She scoffed, looking out at the lumber mill as the workers continued the normal routine of the job oblivious to her conversation with James. “You need to promise me this James, or no deal.” Watching intently she knew she had him. 
Scene Eight:
Sage Garden’s
Alice’s Haven Cafe
Kirsten picked up the cups that she brought over to her sister and Cassie.
“I can help you.” Marina Thurlow spoke, taking a glass in her hands. “I don’t have to go to work for ahwile. I know that we have our differences Kirsten and I understand where you are coming from when talking about Ryan.”
Her older sister smiled. “I honestly do want you to be happy, I’m sorry for jumping ship on you. I do support whatever decision you make, even if I don’t agree with it. I just think right now you need to focus on things like work.”
A chuckled escaped Marina’s lips. “You are always thinking about work.”
“I guess I just have more experience with the working class then you do.” Kirsten took the glass from Marina and unloaded it into the dishwasher. A waitress passed the two and placed her order, then she retreated back onto the floor.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” Kirsten shook her head. “I just think, although I liked Ryan, obviously things didn’t work out with him because you weren’t ready for a relationship and maybe you shouldn’t rush into a relationship with Ian for the same reasons.”
Marina bit her tongue, leaning against the dishwasher. Her hands folded, trying to find a way to communicate with her sister. “Things are different with Ian and I, Kirsten. There is something different with us then there was with Ryan.”
“What is different?”
“I don’t know. I can’t explain it.” Marina scrunched up her nose. “Don’t give me that patronizing look! Don’t throw your weight around. Just because I cannot explain it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! When we are together, everything goes out the window. I can feel a future being paved between us.”
“Well then fine, maybe you have it all. Maybe you have figured out what it took me years to figure out Marina. I congratulate you.” Kirsten scoffed. “I just don’t want to see my littler sister lose herself in something she isn’t sure is right.”
“Don’t talk to me about relationships Kirsten! You’re the one who passed your daughter off as someone else’s child for a year. Do you think I’d ever take advice from you?” Marina pulled away from her older sister and headed for the door. “Dear god Kirsten, fix your shit first!”
Marina left, leaving Kirsten feeling miserable about the way she approached the situation.
Scene Nine:
Stone Creek Memorial Hospital
Hospital Corridor.
Ditching her granddaughter was the hardest thing that Penelope Wilkinson could have done. Although it wasn’t easy, she knew she had to do this alone. There was once a time when she had felt so lost. It was a dark time for her, one that most people in town hold her as a hero for.
But Penelope never felt like one.
She had told Greta that she just needed time to collect her thoughts and she asked her to have Gideon pick her up later. 
PhotobucketPenelope had another agenda however, she slipped into the elevator and within minutes she found herself in the ICU. How could she ever begin to grasp what was happening to her until she tied up her loose ends. She flashed back to when she was younger and she was a frequent visitor to this very room.
It looked the same as it ever did. 
“I know you didn’t think you’d see me again.” She trailed, leaning in the doorway.
The occupant of the room pulled away from her sister and looked up at Penelope. She could see the discomfort in Catalina Cortez’s face and for a moment she wanted to just leave. But something compelled her to stay, Penelope watched as Isobel slept.
“There was a time when this room belonged to me.” Catalina looked away. “I’m not here to tell you about my sob story, I’m sure everyone else has, I’m just here to talk to you on a personal level. Most the people who come here to tell you that they know how you feel--they make you want to scream at the top of your lungs, right?”
Catalina nodded her head.
The older woman stepped closer to Isobel Cortez. Looking down at the woman that she put in intensive care, her heart sank. She could see him laying there, looking so innocent and vulnerable. “He was twelve years old when he laid in this bed. How does a twelve year old stay so still? My little Corey was a hyper child and he spent most days raising my blood pressure.”
There was a chuckle in the tension of the room.
She could see Catalina trying to keep up with her story, her hands clutched in Isobel’s.
“He was involved in an accident similar to this one. Corey and A couple of his friends were on a boat and it crash. I spent months here in this room. There were so many people who told me that I needed to grieve for him and that he wasn’t going to make it. But I didn’t give up.”
“Some people, they are stronger than we think they are. How does a twelve year old hang on for so long? Talk to her. Let her know that you are here for her and that you will never give up. They can hear everything you say, every thought you think. When the room is full of negative energy, it weakens them.”
Catalina cleared her throat. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because dear, I’ve been you. I’ve been broken and hurt and confused beyond belief.” Penelope pointed out, she grabbed Catalina’s hand and held it. “It took me ten years for my son to come back to me. It took ten years for Corey to wake up. But I was there every day.”
“What do I have to do to get my sister back?” Catalina pleaded, letting her guard down.
Penelope smiled. “Talk to her.”
Scene Ten:
2121 Mason St., Stone Creek. Hoffman Village Apartment #34
Ian’s Home.
“I’m glad that she woke up.” Marina spoke, breaking up the silence between the two. For most of the night they had watched TV without a sound. It had become routine for them ever since Natalie fell into a coma. But tonight things would change.
They had to change.
Marina moved her body so that she could face her boyfriend Ian. “Seeing you so stress out over Natalie’s state, it helped me realize that the two of you have a strong bond. It’s almost like my bond with my siblings.” She recalled the fight she had with Kirsten earlier.
“You should have seen her Marina.” Ian replied, lifting himself up so that he could lay comfortably on the couch. “When Nat woke up, she was so disheveled and so oblivious to everything around her. Kelly was about to kick me out of the room-”
“They still don’t know, right?”
Ian shook his head. “I’m not telling them.”
“Okay.” Marina sighed, matching her hands to his. “I wont push the matter any further. I’m really glad that she woke up, I heard that Isobel Cortez is still in a coma. I really don’t know what I would do if someone I cared about was-”
“Don’t think about it.” She closed her eyes when Ian kissed her forehead. “Everything is alright now Marina. We are going to get through this and Natalie will be herself in no time. Just you wait and see.”
That’s what Marina was afraid of. “Then what is next? Natalie returns to her old self and keeps pushing a wedge between us? I don’t know If I could go through any more of her antics Ian. The things that she said before her accident, before Ryan left town.”
“The difference between that is we are together now.” Ian responded. “I have already warned Natalie away from driving a wedge between us. But now that we are together, we can stand strong together. My sister, she is a lot of things, but she wouldn’t hurt me again.”
Marina smirked, if vaguely. “We stay strong?”
“Yes. Just you and I.”
“Good.” Marina spoke just as her phone rang, grumbling she rolled off the couch. “I should get that, it’s probably someone at the paper ready to complain about my piece for tomorrow’s articles.”
Placing her hands around the phone she flip it open and put it to her ear. “Hello, this is Marina speaking.”
“Marina.” The man on the other end spoke, her heart sank. “It’s good to hear your voice.”
Looking back at Ian, she thanked god his eyes were glued to the TV and oblivious to her phone call. She stepped into the kitchen and then placed the phone to her ear again. “What are you-what do you want Ryan?”
Scene Eleven:
745 W. Lavender St., Stone Creek.
Damien & Gillian’s Home.
PhotobucketGillian had spent most of the evening upstairs in her luxurious bedroom. Although for the most part of the day, she was full of boredom, for the time being she found herself watching TV. There were times when she thought of her family. But then her father’s boisterous voice cut out the memories.
How could hey turn her away so quickly. She was furious with Patrick Sutton. Even after the accident and she witness both her parent’s express their fears of nearly losing a child, Gillian was still furious with them. Tiring of the current reality show, she changed the channel.
All the while clueless to what was going on down stairs.
“I think there’s a couple things we need to talk about.” Helen Schmidt spoke, she held her clutch with both hands in front of her. “I know, we don’t necessarily know one another, but we have a connection.”
Damien Crenshaw’s curiosity grew, Helen could tell she had him reeled in. “What connection would we share?”
“The deep hate for Caitlyn Thurlow.”
Then he chuckled, snapping back into his collected posture. His curiosity steaming into annoyance, Damien grabbed the nearest glass and made his way to the bar. “I don’t hate my ex. wife Mrs. Schmidt, There’s nothing about Caitlyn to hate.”
Helen bit her tongue, making her way over to his side. “Surely there’s a reason behind your continued manipulations of her.”
“Manipulations?” Damien stopped cold and looked at Helen. “What do you mean?”
There was a time in Helen’s life when she felt this discomfortable in the presence of a man. It was back in college when she found herself messing around behind James’ back. He had come back to Helen’s room and found another man’s jacket.
But it was much easier to get out of that situation.
Helen slumped down against the bar. “What would you call it then? Coming to town unexpectedly and telling Caitlyn that her daughter Danielle was still alive. Damien, you clearly had plans there and I’m not trying to dig any deeper, but I’m just offering my assistance.”
“I want to help you bring down the Thurlow family.” She grabbed at his tie. “People in this town will move boulder’s for me. Just think of it as me offering you resources to get around the law. James is best friend’s with Gideon Wilkinson and Diem Joplin and both of them have been on your trail for a long time.”
She watched as the wheels seemed to turn in Damien’s head.
“Clearly you knew this, right?”
Photobucket“I think you should go.” Damien spit, walking to the door of the study.
“It’s only a matter-of-time before they start digging into your past and bringing up skeletons.” Helen went on, following as close behind Damien as possible. She needed to get an in with him, Helen needed to get Damien on her side. “I can help.”
“Help?” He turned around to face her. “I don’t need help from you! How would I trust a woman like you? How many bed’s have you slept in? How many marriages have you broken? Oh I’ve heard about you Mrs. Schmidt. I’d be a fool to befriend you.”
“How dare yo-”
“Get out of my house!” Damien ordered, opening the door for her. “There’s nothing here for you.”
Scene Twelve:
2300 Cranberry St., Stone Creek. Stone Creek Apartments #21
Abigail’s Apartment.
Placing a picture frame on the side table, Abigail Jenkins had forgotten what it felt like to have a home. Now that her apartment was fully furnished, she took a moment to look around and a smile evaded her otherwise gloomy frown. 
She looked at the picture of her playing as a child, it was taken by her foster parents. 
PhotobucketIt was hard to believe that a couple years ago she was just a little girl who was fed lies about who her parents were. It was a complete different world that she lived in now and at times, it seemed like nothing but a dream. Abigail grabbed her cup of chocolate and found a place on the couch.
Although not everything was perfect for her. She felt so close to Damien Crenshaw that it often left her at odds with her mother, Caitlyn. It was true, they didn’t seem to have anything in common. She connected on a different level with Damien. But at times, she really did long for Caitlyn’s affection.
Turning the TV on, she found a late night showing of ‘The Fox & The Hound’ and recalled childhood memories. Itching to get away from her thoughts, she pressed play on the remote and waited for the movie to start.
But a knock at the door stopped her from enjoying the movie.
Placing her mug on the side table next to the picture of herself. Abigail pondered who it could be at this time at night. She wouldn’t have to wait long though as she opened it up to see Patrick Sutton standing before her. “I need to talk to you.”
“Mr. Sutton, if this is about Gillian I think it’s going to have to wait until tomorrow, I’m really tired and it is really late.” Abigail spoke, closing the door.
But Patrick intervened. “This isn’t about Gillian. This has everything to do with your father, Damien.” There was a flicker in his eyes that caused Abigail’s heart to sink to her stomach.
Scene Thirteen:
Stone Creek Memorial Hospital
Isobel’s ICU Room.
Although she had spent most of the day in Isobel’s room, Catalina Cortez had let Mac Kern take her to dinner for a couple of hours. It was time well needed as Mac had explained to her that she needed to take some time and take care of herself.
Then there was the time she spent with Penelope.
Catalina didn’t know how to explain the talk she had with Penelope. So instead she put it to some use, Catalina went back to their apartment and found some of her sister’s reading books. She knew it wasn’t the way that she would have handled things.
But it was the only way she knew how to.
Photobucket“I held a gun to woman’s head a couple days ago,” She spoke, trying to find a way to talk comfortably to her sister. “Today that same woman gave me the advice that I should just talk to you.” Catalina felt stupid still. Taking her sister’s hand. “I figured reading to you would be easier.”
Catalina flipped through the pages of the book, she had counted the pages earlier in the day and she knew it would take her hours to finish it. Luckily it was a book that Isobel hadn’t finished yet so she took up where Isobel had left off.
It was a book about a family.
About how they moved to a new town and had to start over with new people and new lives. It made Catalina feel uncomfortable when she read the chapter about the mother’s funeral. She looked over at Isobel who was still sleeping.
Then she continued. It took her hours to read it, by the time she looked up at the clock it was way past midnight. Closing the book Catalina looked at her sister. “I don’t know what to say. I hope that you could hear me, I really do. I hope you don’t mind that I helped you finish your book.”
“I know you like to do things your way.” Catalina smirked. “But I thought you needed help.”
PhotobucketThe oldest sister ran her hands along the blanket that covered her sister’s slumbering body. And then it happened, she could hear the piercing cry of the heart monitor. Catalina clutched the blankets as the noise pattern stopped. “No, no no.” She whispered.
Not knowing what to do, she looked around. “Doctor?”
“Oh my god,” Catalina pulled away from Isobel and watched as the doctor and nurses crashed into the room. Everything was numb now, her tears were soon to evaporate. Slowly backing away she watched as the tried to bring her sister back to life.
Trying to revive Isobel Cortez.
Taking a deep breath, everything stopped. Everyone stopped and the only thing in the air, besides the chill of their thoughts, was the sound of the heart monitor. Isobel flat lined. There was nothing they could do. There was nothing more that she could do.

Next Time, On Concrete Shelves
  • Mac attempts to help Catalina from spiraling out of control.
  • Abigail confronts everyone around her.
  • Ryan starts to make moves to secure himself in Stone Creek.
  • An affair is finally brought into the lime-light...