Friday, April 22, 2011

Turn Me On

Previously, On Concrete Shelves
  • Kirsten told Charlie about Patrick.
  • Charlene and Kevin continued their affair.
  • Diem got Abigail’s DNA test in.
  • Cassie lost her contract as a model...
Scene One:
Sage Garden’s
Gladys’ Bistro
PhotobucketAdrian Stone looked up at his date, Gail.
The sound of her laughter caused a desire in his stomach. It felt like it had been way too long since they were in this position. As he forked through his food he couldn’t help but feel the normalcy of their old life fleshing itself out into their new relationship.
He could feel the hot Arizona sun falling upon his face as he conversed with Gail. The gleam of the sun hitting her skin in the right way that made her look like an angel from heaven. Her eyes, so blue in shade, amplified with life.
“What are you thinking about?” Gail asked, bringing Adrian back to Stone Creek and out of his fantasy world he had a tendency of going too. 
Looking at Gail he shrugged. “I was just going back to when we lived in Arizona for a minute. Right now, us laughing over lunch. I just took me back to the last time we were truly happy.” A solemn look graced Gail’s face. “I’m happy right now though too, Gail.”
She smiled. “So am I.”
“Good.” Taking a moment to wipe his mouth on his napkin, Adrian clapped his hands together. “I have another surprise for you after this lunch and I think it is something that you will clearly enjoy.”
Gail raised her eye brow in confusion. “You’ve been real secretive around me lately, that is very unlike you.”
“Not secretive, I’ve just been really excited to be around you.” Adrian chuckled. “Besides, I think we’ve had enough secrets between us.” He spoke, her face fell, which caused him to bit his tongue. “I didn’t mean it that way.”
“I know.” Gail looked back down at her plate. “Do you think we can ever move past this whole thing? I’ve been trying to, but it just seems like we keep taking two steps back.”
Putting his hand on Gail’s, Adrian replied. “I am moving on Gail. This--us going out together and just reconnecting--this is us moving on and I am loving every moment of it. I am loving being with you again, it’s felt like too long.”
“I think I’m done eating.” She smiled. “I would really like my surprise now.”
“You ready for it?” Adrian asked, a smirk on his face.
Gail nodded. “I’m sure it’ll be a fresh breath of air.”
Scene Two:
Sage Garden’s
Alice’s Haven Cafe
“Are you alright?” Kirsten Sutton asked, putting a hand to her step-sister’s shoulder. “I told you if you needed a couple days off you were more than welcome to have that time.” She spoke with utter care.
But Abigail shook her head. “I’m fine. I think right now I just need to feel like everything is normal again. After finding out about my parents and then being at Jimmy’s Bar when it collapsed, I think a little bit of normalcy is needed.”
“Alright, but if you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask.” Giving Abigail a concerned look, Kirsten rubbed the girls shoulder. “We are family now, so just tell me if you ever need anything.”
“Thanks.” Abigail spoke.
“Don’t worry about it.” Her older step-sister replied, then she spotted her friend Greta walking through the doors. “If you’d excuse me, I’ve got myself a lunch date to catch.”
If it hadn’t been hard enough dealing with Patrick’s schemes, telling Charlie about everything was even worse. Kirsten knew she needed somebody to talk to so she made a call to Greta and asked for some of her friend’s time. “I’ve been waiting all day for this.”
Greta pulled down her sunglasses and smiled at her friend. “I’ve always have time for one of my best friends. How is everything going with you and Charlie? I’m guessing he knows that his father has been talking to you? I listened to your voicemail on the way over here.”
“Driving while on your phone?” Kirsten perked. “Family in the SCPD doesn’t mean you can be breaking laws.”
Her friend chuckled. “I walked here.” Taking a seat at an empty table, Greta watched Kirsten as she sat across from her. “After the whole Jimmy’s Bar debacle I’ve been finding myself cautious of every law in the book. I don’t know who has it worse, myself or Miles.”
PhotobucketKirsten furrowed her brow. “How is Miles taking everything?”
“He’s alright, but being trapped in the bar took a little out of him. He was one of the last people found along with your new step-sister. How is she holding up? Miles told me that she had a small case of dehydration while they were stuck.”
“Abigail is a strong woman,” Kirsten noted watching the woman once again. “She just wants things to return back to normal, I worry more for Gillian. She hasn’t really left the Old Granger Manor since being released from the hospital.”
“You think Damien is keeping her there against her wishes?”
Kirsten disagreed. “No, I think she is just trying to figure out what exactly happened to her. Abigail said that Gillian spent most of the time at Jimmy’s Bar unconscious. I just wish there was something I could do to help Charlie from worrying about his sister.”
“Speaking of.” Greta chimed, “Do you think he is going to talk to Patrick anytime soon?”
“I hope so.” Kirsten spoke, a smile on her face.
Scene Three:
1507 Mango Ln., Stone Creek. “Hollyoak Manor”
Patrick’s Home.
Pacing back-and-forth didn’t help the current situation, but it did help Patrick Sutton channel his nerves. Ever since the whole incident with Catalina Cortez at the hospital, he spent every single minute trying to find a loophole in their contract.
“I don’t care what it looks like,” He spoke with acid in his words. “Right now my image is on the line and that makes me an angry person Giles. We need to nip Miss Cortez’ project in the bud and right now she is too vulnerable to realize what hit her.”
A knock at the door caused Patrick to stop pacing. 
“Excuse me sir,” A young woman spoke, peaking her head into the living room. “You have a visitor.”
“Hold on one second Giles,” Cupping the phone he looked at the house keeper. “Who is it?”
“Your son.”
PhotobucketA look of panic struck Patrick’s face as he took in the information, turning his attention back to the phone he signaled for the woman to let Charlie into the room. “I’m going to have to call you right back. But listen to me, I need this taken care of as soon as possible.”
“Surely I walked into something of importance.” Charlie spoke, as the woman exited the room and closed the doors behind her. “Still treating the helpers like slaves I see.”
“Are you here to patronize me Charlie, or is there something else you want to talk about?” Patrick asked, walking over to the bar to fill his usual glass up, he turned back to Charlie. “So what is it today?”
“We need to talk.”
Patrick smirked. “I’m sure we do.”
Taking a deep breath, Charlie challenged his father. “This is about Kirsten and the deal you had made with her. I can’t find it in myself to actually believe you would do something so sinister to your own family. But then I realized why you teamed up with Kirsten in the first place.”
His father took a swig of his drink.
“This has everything to do with the Thurlow’s, doesn’t it? You hate them so much that you would throw your own family into the fire just to see them tortured?” Charlie narrowed his eyes. “This needs to be squashed once and for all.”
Our love. Our fights. Our friendships.
On Concrete Shelves.
Forever, they shall be remembered.
Scene Four:
HEAT Magazine Headquarter’s
Helen Schmidt’s Office.
Photobucket“I have everything drawn up for your new contract.” Helen spoke, handing the papers over to Cassie Lakhani and pointing out the lines where she needed to sign. Now that Cassie had a slimmer stomach and with Natalie in the hospital, it just seemed right.
She sighed as she watched Cassie hesitantly look down at the papers. “How is the baby doing?”
“Lucian is doing great.” Helen urged Cassie to sign the papers with a smile. “I never really thought that I would be cut out for this mother thing, but so far, so far he has been a really good baby. I don’t think I could have asked for anything better.”
“That’s nice.”
Cassie cleared her throat. “You know, Mrs. Schmidt, I have been thinking about this for awhile.”
“Modeling has been your dream Cassie, don’t let anything get in the way.” Placing her hands clasped in front of her, Helen continued, “I know things were kind of severed with us before. With the whole pregnancy issue we left your contract on hold.”
“But I completely understand.”
Helen nodded. “I know and I am grateful for your cooperation. There just isn’t a growth industry for pregnant models right now. Well at least not in my magazine. I am just glad that you stuck with us through everything. Today I am honored to welcome you back into the company!”
But there was something else on Cassie’s mind and Helen could tell.
“Providing for your child is the only thing you can do and following your dreams, that can provide your child the stability one needs to succeed.” She watched Cassie soak in the information. “By signing these contracts you are showing Lucian that he can do whatever he wants.”
“That is all I want to do.”
“Good then.” Helen passed a pen to Cassie. “Go ahead dear, sign away. Come back to us again.”
Taking the pen in her hands Cassie stared at the contract in front of her. It was everything that she had wanted and when Helen took her contract away in the first place, Cassie was devastated. Today was her chance to get everything back.
This was her chance to return to her old life, to a life she had before she got pregnant with Clifton’s child.
Scene Five:
Dining Gala.
PhotobucketCharlene Sutton found her seat right in front of Kevin Saunders. Most people in the restaurant would think that this was just a casual lunch between two friends of similar social classes. Maybe going over some legal aspects of a fundraiser.
But to the two people sitting across from each other, this was more.
Placing her napkin in her lap, she looked up at Kevin. “How did you manage to get us seats here?”
“I might not be able to buy us seats at the most sought after restaurant in town Charlene, but I know this is your favorite place to eat and I want to make you happy.” He replied. “That and I did some legal work for the manager here.”
She chuckled. “Everyone has their connections.”
“Is that a problem?”
Stopping what she was doing, Charlene looked at Kevin. “No. Not at all, It’s just that Patrick loves to throw around names and prides himself on getting us permanent reservations here and you are so thankful for it. Like if it is your duty to please me.”
“I’m not your obedient pet.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.” She back-tracked. “I just appreciate everything that you’ve done for me Kevin. It’s too generous of you.”
Kevin smiled. “You should have just said that.”
“You’re flustered?” Charlene asked, taking a sip of the wine the waiter brought her. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have even brought it up. I sometimes talk before I think.”
“Don’t be sorry, I understand what you mean.” He took her hand in his. “There is something I have been meaning to ask you Charlene and I know we have been here before. I am glad that I can make you happy, I try to at every given moment.”
“With everything that has been going on with Gillian being in the hospital and your current predicament with Patrick I know that this isn’t exactly the right time to ask this of you. But I know what I am feeling for you is real Charlene.”
She pulled her hands away from his. 
“I want to give you the key to my house.”
Scene Six:
1507 Mango Ln., Stone Creek. “Hollyoak Manor”
Patrick’s Home.
Patrick Sutton stared down his son, it had been so long since they have had a conversation to this depth that it left him without anything real to say. He placed his glass on the bar and looked around, trying to find reason in his madness.
“Save it.” Charlie fumed. “Save all your bullshit and excuses. I want to know the true reason that you don’t want anything to do with my daughter. Do you think that she isn’t mine? Is that what this is all about? Because quite frankly I had my doubts too.”
“You have?”
Surprise in his tone, Charlie’s composure shrunk. “But looking at Megan you can tell she is full Sutton. If you would spend time with her, you would see her determination for life. She has a fire in her that isn’t matched by anybody else.”
“How do you know she is yours?”
Photobucket“I had a DNA test done to be sure, right after Kirsten fessed up to Megan being my daughter.” Charlie locked eyes with his father. “Kirsten doesn’t know anything. I was completely confused. For the first year of Megan’s life I believed she was Kent Wallace’s child.”
Patrick took a moment to determine his strategy. “Listen, Charlie, I understand that you have been through a lot in the last couple years. If it means anything, I am proud that you took action and had a paternity test done. It’s just I don’t trust the Thurlow’s.”
He could feel Charlie grow defensive. “Here we go again. Does this have anything to do with Alice because I thought that feud was already dead, no pun intended.”
“Alice meant a lot to this family, but no son, this doesn’t have anything to do with Alice. Her death, although saddening, was determined to be an accident. As mush as our family wanted to believe it, Alice wasn’t killed by a Thurlow.”
“Then what is this about?”
“Shannon.” Patrick spoke as if off in a distant memory.
Charlie turned to his father confused. “Shannon Thurlow, as in Kirsten’s aunt?” He knew the name very well, although Charlie had never met the woman, her presence in Stone Creek was still evident. Looking away from his father, he followed up. “What does this have to do with her?”
Walking around the room, Patrick locked the door to the hall and then turned back to his son. “You listen here, alright? This doesn’t get repeated to anybody. You want this family to start getting along? Well then you need to know their history.”
He watched as his son thought it through for a moment and then poured himself a glass. “Alright, well, I don’t know what you’ve been hiding from me but I do want this fighting to stop dad. So tell me, what does this all have to do with Kirsten’s Aunt Shannon?”
Scene Seven:
Sage Garden
Black Cat Bowling Alley
“I cannot believe this.” Gail spoke with complete gratitude. She walked into the building and looked around. It had been years since she stepped foot into the bowling alley where she had her first date with Adrian Stone. The place still looked the same.
Adrian wrapped his arm around Gail. “This place hasn’t changed one bit.”
“No kidding!” 
He watched as she looked around nervously, fidgeting with her baby blue sports jacket. In that moment Adrian Stone thought she was the most adorable woman he had ever seen. A smile creasing his usual straight edge frown. 
“Is everything alright?” Gail Schmidt asked, looking down at her jacket she stopped fidgeting with it and put her hands to her side. Her cheeks, a rosy red lit a fire in Adrian’s stomach. “I’m sorry, I’ve never been bowling before. I guess I’m a little nervous.”
“That’s alright.” Adrian replied. “I might not be very good at school, but I am a pro at bowling.” 
The girl giggled at his sudden confidence. But didn’t say anything else, which made Adrian feel as if he said something wrong. Looking around he noticed that most of the lanes were already full. Which meant they had to act fast or they would be stuck with the old creaky lane.
“How about you go get us something to drink and I get our lane?” Adrian handed his date a couple of dollars and then pointed her towards the refreshments. He smiled at her as she made her way through the crowd. She was so timid, someone he felt he had to take care of.
A few minutes later Gail Schmidt had two large pepsi’s in her hands and searching for Adrian. When she found him, a look of distaste was plastered all over his face. “Is everything alright?”
“Hey!” A smile on his face as soon as he noticed her standing by him. Taking the soda’s and placing them by their seats he turned back to Gail. “I really did try to make this the best date possible.”
“I’m having a good time.”
“Really? That’s great. But there is something I have to tell you Gail.”
She scrunched up her face. “What’s wrong?”
“Well, we kind of got stuck with the old creaky lane. It’s not that bad of a lane,” He pointed towards a couple of boards that seemed perfectly normal to the naked eye. “But if you throw your ball too slow, it’ll roll back to you. Something about how this place was built.”
“So I have to throw it hard?”
Adrian shook his head in delight.
Thinking it over, Gail noted that she had never played the sport before so either way she would make mistakes. A minute later she smiled at Adrian. “Well then, let’s get this game started.”
Returning to where he left Gail, Adrian noticed that she was gone. Maybe this was too much for her? The soda’s in his hands seemed useless now. But then he caught sight of her in the far corner. “We got stuck with the old creaky lane again?”
Gail shook her head. “No. I thought it would be fitting for us to play here, so I picked it!” Taking her pepsi from her dates hands she smiled. “Come on Mr. Stone, let’s get this game started.”
Scene Eight:
510 Auburn Rd., Stone Creek. “Nelson Home”
Frank & Deborah’s Home.
PhotobucketHe took a moment to keep himself from laughing. A slight chuckle escaped however and he could feel his sister’s eyes burn holes through him. “I’m sorry, Charlene, It’s just that you got yourself in this situation. How am I supposed to help?”
“You know what?” Charlene bit, grabbing her bag. “I’m just going to go. I really don’t need you to tell me what I’m doing wrong. I was looking for someone who could just be there while I talked!”
Frank stood up. “Wait, Char, just let me get this straight in my head.” 
He watched as his sister loosened her grip on her bag and sat back down in her chair. “I’m sorry for being so blunt about things with you and Kevin, but really there isn’t anything else to say. If you want to be with Kevin, then do it.”
“He is not as secure as Patrick is.”
“That’s for damn sure.” Another stare and Frank lifted his hands up, surrendering. “Do you think that will hinder your feelings for Kevin? The fact that Kevin financially cannot support you the way that Patrick has?” He could feel his sister pondering the question.
“There’s a reason why I’ve carried on this affair for so long.” Charlene quipped, “I’m in love with Kevin Saunders. How did I let all this happen?”
Charlene looked at the house key in her hands. When she was younger, she used to dream about falling in love and feeling like everything was possible. She had everything picked out, from the discount drift stores, of course. This feeling that never came with Patrick was now here to stay.
She could feel her brother place his hands on top of hers. “No matter what, you are my sister Charlene, I support any decision you make. Maybe it has been the turn of events in my marriage to Deborah, but I understand that we don’t always make the right choices the first time around.”
Unknown to either of them, Deborah had come home early from work. In the matter of time it took them to come to a conclusive thought. She was already in the hall, listening to their entire conversation. Her eyes, slick in demeanor, calculating what Charlene’s secret would mean if it came out into the open.
Scene Nine:
505 Auburn Rd., Stone Creek. “Thurlow Cottage”
James & Caitlyn’s Home.
After finding out that Abigail was definitely not Caitlyn’s daughter, Diem Joplin knew that she needed to take action. But she never realized how bad the news would be to spill until she saw her best friend’s face. “Hey, is Caitlyn home?”
James Thurlow shook his head. “She had some city council things to do.”
“Alright, well I need to talk to you.” 
PhotobucketEntering the living room, Diem looked around. This was definitely a home well lived in. She remembered the days when she would come here as a child to hang out with James, Shannon and Gideon. A smile bringing warmth to her composure.
“What’s going on?” James asked, lingering at the door.
Diem took a deep breath. “There are a couple of things that I need to tell you and I don’t think that Caitlyn can take this news straight on. James we need to build a safety net for your wife when she finds out the truth about Abigail’s paternity.”
By the look on his face, Diem could tell his heart sank to his feet. “What truth Diem?”
Licking her lips, the words seemed so hard to speak. “Abigail isn’t really Danielle Crenshaw. I had a DNA test done and she wasn’t a match for Caitlyn. Which means-”
“Which means she isn’t Caitlyn’s daughter.”
James wandered around the room, trying to make sense of the news.
“I know that Caitlyn will have the entire Thurlow clan by her side, but we need to prepare her in case we find out that certain people might know more about Abigail’s paternity then they are letting on.” She watched James’ eyes as they iced over. “Abigail and Damien might be working together.”
“She seems so sweet though.” James opted, grumbling at the thought. “Why would she be working with Damien Crenshaw? There isn’t a motive? Abigail is sick if she is doing it just to mess with my wife’s emotions!”
“We don’t know everything yet James, it’s just a possibility.”
Photobucket“A possibility we have to think about! I don’t want that woman near my wife until we figure this whole thing out Diem.” James started pacing around the room. “Are you sure the DNA test is accurate? I know they can be tampered with.”
Diem sighed. “James, nobody else knows about this, but-”
“But?” James cocked his head, “Who else knows about this Diem?”
“It wouldn’t matter James. She didn’t find out about anything until after I had the tests done, there is no way to your ex. wife could have possibly changed the results.” She wrung her hands. “Right now we need to focus on how to break the news to Caitlyn and possibly Abigail.”
“I hope to god Abigail has nothing to do with this!”
Scene Ten:
745 W. Lavender St., Stone Creek. “Old Granger Manor”
Damien & Gillian’s Home.
Photobucket“I’m just glad you’re doing better.” Abigail revealed as she sat across from her best friend. Once Abigail clocked out for work she picked up a couple bags of chocolate and headed over to the Old Granger Manor to spend time with Gillian.
After the accident, she spent most of her time with her father as well. 
It felt so normal to the young woman. “From what I am told, Natalie and Isobel still haven’t woke up.”
“That’s awful for them.” Gillian spoke, unwrapping a chocolate bar. Taking a bite she thought for a second and then looked at Abigail. “Thank you for actually spending time with me. It’s generous of you to do it. I don’t know if I could sit here alone all day.”
“Then why don’t you just come out with me?”
Gillian shrugged. “It’s complicated.”
Before Abigail could respond the doorbell rung. Rolling her eyes she got up. “I’ll get that.” Stopping at the door frame she looked back at Gillian. “You guys should really think about hiring staff around here, it’s kind of creepy how empty this place is.”
“I like it being just Damien and I.”
Not putting anymore thought into it, Abigail went to the door and answered it. Her mouth dropped as she found her mother on the other side. “Caitlyn, I didn’t expect you to be coming by. If you’re here to see Damien, he actually went out to get a few things.”
The look of dread on Caitlyn’s face made Abigail feel uncomfortable. “Caitlyn, are you alright?”
Photobucket“Fine.” She spoke. “I just didn’t expect to see you around here. How are you doing Abigail? I know I didn’t get a chance to see you in the hospital.” She flashed back to when she saw Damien and Abigail bonding at the hospital. “I really want to, I’m terribly sorry about that.”
“That’s fine.” Abigail replied coldly.
“Caitlyn?” Damien Crenshaw asked, walking up behind her. “What are you doing here? Is there anything I can help you with?”
“I just needed to talk to you Damien.”
Nodding his head, he looked at Abigail. “Hey Abby, do you think you can grab the rest of the groceries from the truck? Would you like to stay for dinner Caitlyn? I’m making lasagna tonight, it’s coincidentally Abby’s and Gillian’s favorite dish.”
Caitlyn watched as Abigail went to retrieve the bags. “Maybe I should come back another time, when you guys aren’t playing perfect little family? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.” To keep herself from tearing up, she let out a breath of air. “I’ll just go.”
“If you want to get to know your daughter, you should stay.” Damien challenged, watching as Caitlyn took a moment to think about it and then returned back to his side. “Good. You care to help me prepare dinner for old times sake?”
Scene Eleven:
2634 W. Parker St., Stone Creek. Callahan Condos #15
Marina, Cassie & Lucian’s Home.
“I will call you after I leave the hospital.” Ian proposed slipping his jacket on and giving Marina a kiss on the cheek. He knew she wasn’t too happy that he was leaving, but knew deep down that she understood that he needed to see Natalie.
PhotobucketOnce he left, Marina turned to Cassie who was rocking Lucian to sleep. “I don’t know if I’m mad that he is spending more time with Natalie or that he won’t even try to spend time with his father. I wish Ian would tell him the truth.”
“You have no control over that.” Cassie reminded her.
Scrunching up her face Marina replied. “I know. But anyways, enough about the days of my life, tell me that you have decided to sign back with Helen’s company?” She sat next to Cassie and Lucian.
“You call your mother by her first name?”
“Long story.” Marina responded, looking at Clifton Briggs who was on Cassie’s other side.
Clifton took it in respect and then looked at Cassie. “Do tell us though.”
PhotobucketA smile formed on Cassie’s face. “Actually I turned Helen down. I really wanted to take the offer but I realized that my life has changed and I’m not some bimbo model anymore fighting for the top spot. I have to take care of my son now.”
“That’s what we are here for.”
“I know.” She placed Lucian in Clifton’s arms. “What I haven’t told anyone yet is that I want to go back to school and with an open schedule like mine, this is the perfect time to do that. I already signed up for some online classes.”
“Good for you!” Marina replied, hugging her best friend. “This is going to be good for you. For all of us. I will be on baby duty whenever you need me to. Well besides when I’m at work. But don’t you worry, Lucian and I will do interviews together. He can be my little sidekick!”
Cassie chuckled at her friend enthusiasm. “Thanks, but I will be doing all of my course work from home, so I won’t need Lucian to be your little sidekick just yet. Maybe in a couple years.”
“Besides, I am still available to help.” Clifton spoke. “I am his father.”
Marina shrugged. “Can I still buy him a little detective hat?”
“Yes.” Cassie laughed. “You can still buy him a hat.”
Scene Twelve:
2634 W. Parker St., Stone Creek. Callahan Condo’s #12
Miles & Greta’s Condo.
PhotobucketGreta chuckled as her hands entwined with Miles Fowlers. “It’s just been a very long day and I am glad that I can come home and spend it with you.”
“You don’t know how much I love hearing that.” Miles spoke, kissing her ear. “I love coming home to spend time with you. There’s nobody else in the world for me, I want you to know that Greta.”
The woman snuggled into Miles’ body. “Do you ever think about the future?”
“Like living on the moon and flying cars?”
“No!” Greta chuckled. “Do you ever think about our future? How things between the two of us are going to progress? Like do you think that maybe we would get a house together? Do you think that we will ever, you know, get married?”
Miles turned to Greta. “All the time.”
“Well, what do you think?”
PhotobucketMiles kissed Greta’s forehead and with his hands, he caressed her body. “I think, someday, I want to make you my wife and live in a nice house with two children and maybe a dog. Greta, I want the world for us because I know it will make you smile.”
A tear escaped Greta’s eye.
“Can we name him scruffy?”
Miles frowned. “That’s an unusual name for a kid.”
“No!” Greta kissed Miles. “Our dog that we will someday maybe get, can we name him scruffy?”
Thinking about it for a bit, Miles nodded. “Of course we can.”
“I love this.” She spoke, closing her eyes and cuddling close to Miles. “I love us.”
Scene Twelve:
341 Wallow St., Stone Creek. “Schmidt Home”
David, Helen & Gail’s Home.
Although Adrian beat her at bowling, Gail still had a great time. She held onto his hand until they made it to her front door. Gail insisted that Adrian didn’t have to walk her all the way to the door, but he insisted on it. He wanted everything to be just like their first date.
“I really needed this.” She admitted, turning to face Adrian.
“Same here.” 
Photobucket“Really Adrian, this whole date was better than I could have imagined. I’m so glad that we weren’t stupid enough to stay mad at each other.” She caught him look at her stomach and there was a pain in her heart. “I’m just glad to have you back here with me.”
He stepped closer to Gail and smiled. “I’m glad to be back here with you too.”
Holding her stomach, he kissed Gail on the lips, not wanting the kiss to end. Adrian could feel it, everything. He could feel the baby that they lost so long ago and although it hurt him, he knew that one day everything would be right. 
“I want to like you forever.”
Gail chuckled. “That’s what you said on our first date.”
“I know.” Adrian blushed. “I was so cheesy back then. I was just thinking back to when we stood here for the first time and your father was watching us from the window. I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression-”
“So you told me that you wanted to like me forever.”
“Forever sure is a long time Mr. Stone.” Gail recited, taking them back to their first date. “Do you think we have enough time for that?”
Adrian nodded his head. “I think we do.”
The two kissed once more, this time being interrupted by the porch light being turned on. “I guess I should go inside. My father is probably worried sick about me.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Adrian replied, letting her go.

Next Time, On Concrete Shelves
  • Natalie wakes up to Ian by her side.
  • A future is planned for Marina.
  • James tries preparing Caitlyn for devastation.
  • Penelope tries to level with Catalina...