Friday, February 10, 2012

Will the shooter finally be revealed? Find out this Season, On Concrete Shelves...


Read An Excerpt Here:

It had been the first time Helen Schmidt had been home in quite sometime, especially since her husband David had found out about her part in bringing Adrian Stone to town. The way things had went, she felt so bitterly betrayed by her own emotions.
But now she was home.
How long had it been since it felt this quiet? Helen walked around the Living Room and tried to smile at the exquisite upholstery and how nothing seemed to have changed since she’d been gone. When Gail came back to Stone Creek, there was a moment when Helen didn’t think she would last.
Once the bitch came back, she fought tooth and nail to stay in David’s life. To protect him from whatever evils his daughter would bring back with her. but it didn’t seem enough. Even after Adrian came back and Gail revealed her recent past.
Things didn’t change. Helen was still on the outs and when David found out about her part in trying to run Gail out of Stone Creek. She closed her eyes. It was a stupid plan but at the time it all seemed so simple. If only things had worked out differently.
“Helen.” David spoke from behind her.
Helen turned around to see her husband standing in the doorway. “How are you David?”