Thursday, February 9, 2012

What is in store for Taylor's night? Find out this Season, On Concrete Shelves...


Read An Excerpt Here:

Parking her car, Iris Galloway turned to look at Sebastian and pulled on a worried smile. She knew all of this would be bad for him, moving around. Living in such a horrible hotel. But Lucy couldn’t be talked out of this plan of hers and Iris knew sticking by her friend was the best idea.
At least until she figured out a plan of her own.
So she gathered Sebastian and knocked on the door to the room that belonged to Lucy for the time being. The February air was enough to air out the stench of mold and dust. Lucy let her friend in and quickly closed the door behind her. “I don’t understand why you took him out.”
Iris opened the window and looked out at the nice February sky. It looked like the late winter frost was kicking into high gear soon. Then she turned back to Lucy. “I couldn’t keep him cooped up in here, have you seen the place? I know you can afford a better hotel.”
“I could, yes. But then that would alert Frank that I am in town.” Lucy pushed past Iris and closed the window, then did the same to the blinds. “All you do is bring suspicion onto us Iris, do you ever think with your brain?”
Her friend grumbled, “Closing the blinds and cutting off the rest of the world doesn’t help either! Look, I’m sorry Lucy. It’s just that I was really freaked out when I bumped into Deborah today. She didn’t suspect anything, but I don’t like lying to people.”
“It’s a lot more fun with practice.”
Iris rolled her eyes. “Did you run the errands you wanted to?”