Friday, May 21, 2010

Clifton Briggs

Full Name: Clifton William Briggs
Date of Birth: September 25th, 1977
First Appearance: 1.01 “Call Me Home”
Current Occupation: Owner of Shenanigan's Night Club
Previous: Untold
Hometown: Untold
Current Residence: 1509 Mango Ln., Stone Creek. [Briggs Home]
Previous: Untold
Parents: Untold
Siblings: Untold
Children: Lucian Lakhani [w/ Cassie Lakhani]
Significant Other(s): None
Previous: Audrey Briggs Married in 1999; Divorced in 2011
                Cassie Lakhani Slept together in 2010
A man with a lot of power in Stone Creek, he is easily over looked, however because of his contributions to the community and his otherwise squeaky clean reputation. Married to his childhood sweetheart, Audrey Briggs since 1999, Clifton had stood faithful to his loving wife until somebody drugged him and he slept with Cassie. Keeping the secret from Audrey, Clifton spent many months trying to find out who the culprit was and some time with Cassie. But neither admitted to wanting a relationship with the other. 
In late 2010, someone broke into Cassie’s apartment which made Clifton fear the baby’s safety. They enlisted in the help of Diem Joplin in order to find out who the mysterious “Inez” could be. But Audrey figured out that Cassie had to be carrying Clifton’s baby and started her own vendetta. Wanting a divorce from Clifton, she went after his nightclub and everything he owned. 
PhotobucketAfter Cassie gave birth to their son Lucian in 2011, he felt a need to protect her. When a gun-totting Catalina Cortez held both Audrey and Cassie hostage it was revealed that Audrey had set up the whole thing. Because Audrey felt that she could never please Clifton she wanted a divorce from him before he would divorce her and leave her with nothing. Catalina was hired to drug both Clifton and Cassie. But Catalina was fed up with everything and before she could do any harm to either woman, Clifton came in and saved the day.
Because of her part in the whole ordeal, Audrey agreed to divorce Clifton. Before she left town they reminisced about their past and their once blossoming marriage. Finally bringing closure to both of them.
Clifton started to focus on his Nightclub for the rest of 2011, which caused friction with Cassie. Although they both agreed to only focus on Lucian and not on their relationship. When Clifton brushed her away, Cassie began to flirt with Mac Kern. At first Clifton was happy for Cassie, but after Halloween when Lucian was involved in an accident and nobody alerted Clifton of it, things changed. He ordered Cassie to break things off with Mac and marry him or he would fight for custody of Lucian.
While waiting for Cassie’s answer, Clifton also went into business with Damien Crenshaw in hopes that he could expand his Nightclub to the bustling atmosphere of Now Town. He offered to rig the election votes in Damien’s favor, unbeknownst to them one of their meetings was witnessed by Helen Schmidt.
Portrayed by: Terrance Howard [2010-Present]