Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Call Me Home

Scene One: Callahan Condo's: Marina & Cassie's Home
Marina Thurlow sighed, how was she going to get through the article when all she could think about was Ryan Bauer? She flipped through the proofs and then tossed them onto the table.

“Do you have to be so violent all the time?” Cassie Lakhani slipped into the room with a bright, teasing smile. “Seriously though, what’s going on in that head of yours? You’ve been moody all day.”

“It’s just this story I’m covering, the deadline is tomorrow and I can’t get it to sound right.” She eye’d the proofs, and kept her mind on the lie she told Cassie. “I think I should just get out for a little bit.”

Cassie nodded. “Hey maybe we can go for a run, you know, like old times?”

The brunette shook her head. “I’d rather have time on my own right now. This whole writers block and all. Maybe another time?”

“Okay.” Cassie looked around the living room of their apartment. “I’m sure I’ll find something to do.” She spoke mostly to herself, watching as her friend gathered her things to leave.

With a sigh, Cassie sat on the couch and sifted through Marina’s article.


Scene Two: Thurlow Cottage: James & Caitlyn's Home
“Have you talked to Kirsten lately?” Caitlyn Thurlow washed the dishes as she held a conversation with her husband, James. “I was talking to her the other day, she seems like she is under a lot of pressure.”

James grunted. “Charlie better not be stressing her out.”

Caitlyn smirked. “I don’t think it’s so much Charlie stressing her out, I think it’s the renovations that are happening to the hotel that are stressing her out. It’s a shame she wont let anybody help out with Megan.”

“Kirsten has always been so darn self reliant, I think it has everything to do with her mother.” James wondered out loud.

“What do you mean?”

“When I started picking up the slack at work for my father, the kids were left with Helen and even she wasn’t around as much as she should have been.” James walked around the room, mostly making sure he didn’t forget anything on his way out. “Kirsten pretty much raised Emit and Marina.”

“Then I’m sure Kirsten is fine.” Caitlyn spoke, “She survived living with Helen for so long, right? I just would like to be a part of the renovation at the hotel, I think it would be some good bonding time.”

James kissed his wife’s cheek. “The children love you.”

“I sit at home all day and think of ideas for fundraisers, I don’t have a superwoman job like their mother does.”

“My children are all grown-up Caite, they don’t think about superheroes anymore, besides you have shown nothing but support and encouragement in all my children. What has Helen shown? She stole Kirsten’s trust fund to finance Heat and forgot to pay Marina’s college tuition.” James checked his watch.

“I get your point.”

“Good.” James grabbed his coat, then hugged Caitlyn. “I should get going, I have to talk to Frank about getting me a new secretary, she still hasn’t shown up. If you feel like you need to help, call Kirsten again and see if she needs it. Otherwise, continue planning that Founder’s Ball. You still going to be my date?”

“Would I ever stand you up?”

James smiled. “I’d hope not.”


Scene Three: Sage Garden's: HEAT Headquarters
“Are you kidding me Mac?” Helen Schmidt slammed the proofs on the desk. “I asked you weeks ago to get this shoot done and it still isn’t up to par! Where the hell did all my good workers go?”

Mac Kern shrugged. “This is the only thing we could book with that photographer. He had something else to do in Paris.”

Helen threw up her arms. “When will people ever understand that I am way more important than some bimbo in Paris? I produce the worlds most popular magazine. I spend hours slaving over the latest gossip. Do I ever get recognition or first pick out of anything?”

“No?” Mac questioned as he fished for words.

“I wasn’t finished.” Helen spit, she stormed around the room. “I want you to find me another photographer because this shoot needs to be done properly! This issue needs to be finished by the end of the month. I don’t like late magazines and neither do my readers.”

“Right away!” Mac responded, jetting out of the room.

Helen folded her arms as she calculated how much money she would lose if this issue was late. She picked up the picture of the girl in the photo-shoot.

“Can somebody tell me why the hell does she look pregnant?” Helen yelled, but nobody dare reply.


Scene Four: Stone Creek Memorial Hospital
Dr. David Schmidt watched as the woman opened her eyes. “How are you feeling?”

She tried to get up, but he coerced her to stay in the bed. “Where am I? My head hurts.” With David’s help she was able to sit up straight. “How did I get here?”

“Do you remember your name?”

The woman nodded. “My name is Emily Roscoe. I was on my way to Stone Creek. Last week I was offered a job at Thurlow’s Lumber Mill. I should call Mr. Thurlow, what day is it?”

David Schmidt looked through Emily’s charts as she tried to regain her bearings. “Ms Roscoe, you were involved in an automobile accident.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“Please, this is serious. Do you not remember anything about the accident? What’s the last thing that you remember?”

Emily leaned back in the bed. “I don’t know.”

“Can you try?”

Shooting David a look, she then returned to her thoughts. “I am trying, its just all fuzzy. Like if I had been drinking or something--was I drinking? I’m sure I wouldn’t be that stupid.”

“No, you weren’t. Look, you should get some rest. I will have one of the nurses get a hold of Mr. Thurlow for you so I don’t want you to worry too much. James is a good man, he would only be worried that you didn’t show up for your first day of work.”

Emily stiffened. “What do you mean? I start work on Monday. Trust me, I made sure to write that day down in my notebook, Blackberry, on my calendar that I keep in my car and my address book. Monday April 19th I start work.”

“Ms Roscoe, It’s been about a week since your accident.”

Our love. Our fights. Our friendships.
On Concrete Shelves.
Forever, they shall be remembered.

Scene Five: Stone Creek Apartments: Greta, Ryan & Bentley's Home
Ryan Bauer shuffled to the door, whoever was behind it was indeed insistent. He stood at the door and wrestled his shirt on before opening it. “Natalie, what are you doing here?”

The raven haired model beamed at Ryan. “I figured with Greta gone for the week her two cooking challenged roommates could use some breakfast. She left a note with me earlier talking about Coffee from Alice’s Haven?”

Ryan’s face lit up. “Thank you. I was kind of afraid with Greta gone I would have to resort to fast food. I think Bentley is still sleeping, he usually sleeps through his first class.”

“How does he pass it?” Natalie Marlowe questioned as she began to sift through the kitchen utensils.

“Who really knows, I heard him talking about some girl with a crush on him.” Ryan sat at the center counter. “There is so much food in here, how did you manage to pay for it all?”

Natalie rolled her eyes. “Besides my father being the mayor of Stone Creek I do work for a living you know. I received my check yesterday and since my father paid my rent this month, I figured I’d help out the needy.”

“Well thanks for remembering us.” Ryan pointed her to the drawer with the utensils and she thanked him with a smile. “I haven’t had much luck with a stable job. Especially one that would work around my school schedule.”

“How about your gym schedule?” Natalie smirked, then her face lit up. “Have you thought about a job at the gym? I mean you are always working out there, I’m sure the least they can do is return the favor and hire you.”

“I tried it.” Ryan admitted. “They aren’t hiring.”

“Not even for personal trainers? If they hired guys like you to be personal trainers, I’d actually want to go to the gym everyday.”

The man chuckled. “Not even personal trainers.”

Natalie frowned. “Well, that’s a shame.”

She continued sifting through the cabinets with Ryan’s help until she had everything she needed to make breakfast. “How are you and Marina? I haven’t necessarily talked to her lately. You know, since she threw wine on me.”

“I’m pretty sure that was an accident.” Ryan spoke, but shrugged. “She has been busy with the newspaper, I think she is getting a promotion soon, she said something about it.”

“So no Ryan time?”

Ryan shook his head. “Afraid not.”

“Are you alright with that?” Natalie asked, stirring the pancake batter. “I mean, are you alright that your girlfriend is off being superwoman while you remain jobless?”

“Everything is fine between us.” Ryan replied, irritation kicking in. “I’m going to see if Bentley is up yet.”


Scene Six: Sage Garden's Park
Marina stopped at the water fountain to take a breather, if Cassie knew she went for a run by herself, her friend would be hurt. But Marina just needed to get away from everything.

“You alright?” A man asked from behind, she turned around to face him. “You look a little flushed.”

“I was just jogging.” She replied, her face turning darker. “I’m fine, just clearing my mind. Morning jogs do that for me.”

He smirked. “Me too.”

This man, he looked like he was new to town. But Marina couldn’t tell, it had been awhile since she actually paid attention to the town of Stone Creek. For months she had shut herself off from everyone but the station.

“My name’s Ian.” He offered a hand.

Marina accepted. “Marina.”

“Nice to meet you Marina.” Ian responded, “I’m fairly new to town, moved here a couple weeks ago. The scenery is amazing.”

She nodded in agreement. “Stone Creek is proud of it’s landscape, I think that’s one of the best things about this town. Have you had a tour around town? My sister owns a coffee shop called Alice’s Haven.”

“Are you inviting me for coffee?”

Marina blushed. “I honestly don’t know what I am inviting you to do.” She brushed her hair out of her face and caught Ian’s eye. “But coffee does sound good right now. It’s actually not that far from here. We can walk there if you don’t have anything planned.”

Ian nodded in agreement. “My schedule is pretty much clear today.”

“Good.” Marina could feel her insides burning at the thought of Ian joining her for coffee, the troubles that previously bugged her were gone with the breeze as they walked towards Alice’s Haven.


Scene Seven: Lakeside Hotel
Caitlyn Thurlow dodged one of the construction workers as she entered the lobby of the hotel, her hard hat in hand.

“I’d wear that if I were you.” Charlie Sutton spoke, his friendly smile offering greeting to Caitlyn. “I was asked to find you and bring you into the kitchen by Kirsten’s requests.” He led his mother-in-law out of the lobby.

“Do I really have to wear this?” She asked holding out the dirty yellow hard hat.

Charlie shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll be safe unless, I don’t know, a bathtub falls on you.”

Caitlyn grimaced and slowly put the helmet over her nicely finished curls. “Well, I guess I can always make another appointment at the salon later.”

“Caitlyn!” Kirsten shouted as she noticed the two emerge from the entrance. She instructed a couple workers to finish their jobs and then walked over to her step-mother with a hug. “I’m sorry I couldn’t talk long on the phone.”

“It’s okay, Charlie just informed me about all those falling bathtub’s you’re dealing with.” Caitlyn smirked, nudging Charlie’s shoulder.

Kirsten shook her head. “He’s been telling everyone that.”

“I actually came by to see if you needed any help around here. I’ve been stuck at home putting things together for the Founders Ball for the last two weeks.” She frowned at the thought of having to do it again today.

“I’ve mainly been sitting around telling people what not to do.” Kirsten admitted. “There really isn’t anything else to do around here. Well, there is one thing. Charlie has to go pick up Megan to take her to school and that conflicts with picking up some rugs for the lobby-”

Caitlyn put up her hands. “Say no more! Before I started working for your father I used to work at this really tacky delivery service. ”

“Really?” Kirsten jotted down the number on a piece of paper. “It would mean so much if you could get them for me. I already paid for them, just ask Alfonso for the lobby rugs and he will know what you are talking about.”

Kirsten handed Caitlyn the order number and gave her a hug. “Have you talked to my father about having lunch?”

“It slipped my mind.” Caitlyn frowned. “But do you really want both Patrick Sutton and James Thurlow in the same room? I know you want both sides of the family to get along but that just seems like a recipe for disaster if you ask me.”

Kirsten’s smile faded. “I want Megan to know both sides of her family.”

“She will, I just don’t think it’s a good idea for both sides to be in the same room as one another.” Caitlyn chuckled. “What do you think about the idea Charlie? I mean, Patrick did cut you out of your inheritance.”

“We are doing what is best for Megan.” Charlie responded.

Caitlyn could sense the hostility, “I’m sure you two are, I was just saying that you need to take into consideration both of these personalities you are trying to merge.”

“This feud needs to end!” Kirsten spoke up. “I am sick and tired of the Thurlow’s and the Sutton’s always at each other’s throats! I want the next generations to be rid of this stupid feud. Alice is dead and so this feud should be as well.”

“Right.” Caitlyn swallowed, feeling a chill grace her spine. “I’ll just go get those rugs for you.”

“Caitlyn.” Kirsten called.

Her step-mother turned to face her. “Make sure you tell my father about the lunch. I will be expecting him to be there for his granddaughter.”

Caitlyn nodded before leaving.

Kirsten turned to Charlie, neither spoke a word. But both knew the complications this lunch could have on their new family.


Scene Eight: Thurlow Lumbermill Building: James' Office
“Have you found her yet?” James Thurlow asked as he walked into the building. “I don’t want to sound selfish here, but I really do need a secretary.” He put his coat away in the closet of his office and watched as Frank entered the room.

“We got a hold of her old roommate, Emily Roscoe was on her way here a week ago.” Frank Nelson looked at James. “Maybe she got cold feet and decided to stay in Chicago?”

James frowned. “Then why hasn’t her roommate heard from her yet?”

Frank shrugged. “I don’t have a clue where she could been. But whatever it is, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. I will have Lucy find you a new secretary.” Frank placed his hands in his pockets. “I should get back to my office anyhow.”

“Okay.” James spoke. “I hope she is okay.”

“She is fine.” Frank insisted, then he left the room.


Scene Nine: Stone Creek Memorial Hospital
“Yes, yes Helen. I think everything will turn out fine. You just need to calm down.” David Schmidt chuckled. He knew his wife very well and the fact that she was freaking out about something so minor was completely normal for her.

He also knew she liked to talk loud through the cellphone--just in case you couldn’t understand her. So he held the phone at a good distance. “No, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t worry about it. This is a part of your job and I know you want it to be perfect, I understand everything.”

Really, he didn’t. But David wouldn’t tell her that. “I think Mac would die if you fired him. He has been nothing but good to you, I think you should scare him a little but don’t fire him.”

David chuckled. “I know. I know. When are you doing the shoots?” He slipped into the hall without any of the nurses watching him. It was a maneuver he used many times when he wanted his peace. Kept him from having to sign everything for them.

“Everything is fine here. Emily Roscoe just woke up.” David replied, a smirk filled his face. “Of course Heat doesn’t care about Ms Roscoe, I’m sure you are going through a lot of trouble to keep Heat up and running.”

Maybe he would have subway for lunch, he couldn’t make up his mind as he knew the new japanese buffet had opened up across the street and he wanted to try it. But subway did sound so good this morning.

He stopped watching his feet and looked up at the people in the lobby of the hospital. Most of them looked tired as if they had been there for hours and he was sure most have. David nodded a kind hello to a few of them as they wandered around.

Then one caught his eye, she looked so familiar. “Helen, I’ll have to call you back.” His voice caught in his throat as she yelled back at him. “No, really. I’m hanging up right now.”

Helen would be angry at him for hanging up the phone. But he needed to because the woman he spotted was running up to him. Her arms opened up as she pulled him into a hug. David hadn’t seen her in nearly ten years.

Tears welled in his eyes.

“Daddy!” The girl squealed as David pulled her into a tight embrace. “Oh daddy, I missed you.”


Scene Ten: Sage Gardens: Alfonso's Fabrics
Helen Schmidt slammed the cellphone shut and tossed it into her purse. With her over sized glasses safely on top her head she entered the building as if she owned it. David was ballsy if he thought she wouldn’t be mad at him later.

Shifting her weight, Helen gazed the room before she set eyes on Caitlyn Thurlow. The woman burned Helen’s insides and today she wasn’t in the mood to see her one bit. “You!”

Caitlyn turned around confused. “You?” she spoke back, regretting the acknowledgment as soon as it left her lips.

“Very funny.” Helen spit. “What do you think you are doing here?”

“I’m helping Kirsten grab a few things for the hotel.” Caitlyn answered, her arms folded. “I would ask what you are doing here, but frankly Helen, I couldn’t care less. So please, just go to your corner.”

“You can’t talk to me like that! I don’t understand why Kirsten asked you to help her with the renovations, you don’t do anything right except for stealing other peoples husbands!”

Caitlyn found herself amused by Helen’s accusations. “Helen, you divorced James years before we met and got married! Besides from what I understand you were under David Schmidt before James even got the chance to sign the divorce papers.”

“You really don’t know who you are messing with!”

The blond rolled her eyes. “You really need to go back to grade school with that attitude! Like I said before Helen, wait in your corner, over there. I don’t see any use in us sharing words in here.”

Helen grumbled at Caitlyn before stomping away, she had much more important things to worry about. Like why everyone kept canceling on her. Helen looked at her watch. If they wouldn’t have canceled on sending her the drapes for her photo shoot, she wouldn’t be here next to Caitlyn.

She watched as Caitlyn received her order and waved a very ridiculous goodbye to her.


Scene Eleven: Thurlow Lumbermill Building: Frank's Office
Lucy Hahn grabbed at Frank’s back as he thrust into her once again. Her nails caught on the fabric as she tried to keep silent. Her lips, met with his when she felt she couldn’t keep a moan in.

There were way too many reason why she shouldn’t be sleeping with her boss but none of them could reach her now. Lucy felt like she was in another world, one where simple affairs weren’t frowned upon.

Frank thrusted one last time, the same time Lucy moaned lightly. They leaned on each other, both hearts beating at a rapid pace and although she had no real idea why Frank’s was beating so fast. Lucy knew her heart was beating fast because of Frank.

As he pulled away from her, she looked for his eye contact.

But Frank went to pulling his boxers and pants back up. He zipped them and went to working on his shirt.

Lucy frowned.

“You okay?” Frank asked, guiding her lips to his.

She nodded. “Yeah, I was just collecting my head.” She lied as she tried to button her blouse. Lucy knew when she entered the affair that Frank was only doing it because he was sexually frustrated. He had told her so, so she didn’t understand why she cared so much for him.

“Good. I’m glad we had the chance to be together today. I didn’t think we’d have time with all the work we had to take over from James and his missing secretary.”

Lucy regained her composure and straightened out her skirt. “I will get right on looking for a new secretary for him.”

“Thank you Lucy.” Frank replied.

She forced a smile out as she watched him button up his shirt and fix his tie. There was an urge to kiss him once again just so she knew he didn’t love her, but a knock at the door interrupted her mission.

“I’ll get it!” Lucy chimed, shuffling to the door and opening it. “Mr. Thurlow, may I help you?”

James stood in the doorway, “I was looking for Frank actually.”

“I’m right here.” Frank responded, he walked to the door and greeted James. “I was asking Lucy if she had any contacts to fill that missing secretary problem of yours.”

James waved it off. “Don’t worry about it, I just got off the phone with someone from the hospital. Emily Roscoe has been found and she was in a car accident a week ago. That’s why we couldn’t get a hold of her.”

“Is she alright?” Lucy asked, her face grim.

“She’s fine, she is going to need a couple more days of recovery but the nurse said she should be out by the end of the week.” James felt a sense of relief wash over him. “I’m giving her the job, I feel terrible about her situation.”

“Well then, problem solved.” Frank acknowledged. “Anything else I can help you with?”

“No. I think that’s about it.” James admitted, he looked at Lucy who smiled brightly at him. “If you could get me the papers I had you file yesterday, that would be great. I need someone to help get Emily settled in when she is able to join us.”

Lucy nodded her head. “Certainly Mr. Thurlow. I’ll do that right away.”

“Thanks Lucy.” James replied, almost certain he caught them in some kind of intimate situation.


Scene Twelve: Sage Gardens: Alice's Haven
“Thanks for the coffee.” Ian spoke, the duo were in the middle of going their separate ways and until he spoke, silence had fallen over them. “It was really nice to meet you Marina.”

She smiled. “It was nice meeting you too Ian.”

He gave her a hug. “I’m pretty sure you had better plans today then listen to my boring story of why I came to Stone Creek. I wasn’t boring you was I? That would embarrass me if I bored a very beautiful woman.”

“You need to stop complimenting me like that!” Marina chuckled.

Ian frowned. “Too strong?”

Marina’s face grew red as the two made eye-contact and in the silence she knew she would see more of Ian in the future. Then she remembered that she had a boyfriend and everything came rushing back.

“I have to go.” Marina said. “It was really nice meeting you Ian.”

“Same to you.”

Marina watched as he made his way down the street and then turned on her heels in the opposite direction. She really needed to see Ryan.


Scene Thirteen: Stone Creek Memorial Hospital
Gail Schmidt stood next to her father as he watched Emily Roscoe sleep. She had no clue who the woman was, but it seemed to calm her father down as he watched her recover.

“Are we going to talk about why you left?” David spoke, breaking the silence.

Gail shrugged. “I think right now we need to talk about why I came back.” Her words caught in her throat as she spoke them. “I really missed you dad.”

“I missed you as well Gail. But do you realize that it has been nearly ten years since you skipped town with Adrian Stone?” David motioned for his daughter to follow him down the hall.

“Adrian and I are over.”

“Well, that’s good to hear! Honestly I don’t understand why you even left town with him Gail. You are a very intelligent young lady, why leave everything behind for some punk like Adrian?”

“I loved him.”

“And now?” David asked.

Gail looked at her father, he seemed so much older than he did ten years ago. His face grew old with worry and she felt like it was all her fault. “I don’t know. Things got really complicated between Adrian and I. But I’m home now and I feel like this is where I belong.”

David hugged his daughter. “We will discuss this.”

“I know.”


Scene Fourteen: Stone Creek Apartments: Greta, Ryan & Bentley's Home
Natalie handed Ryan a list of things he needed to do around the house. “It’s probably for the best that I put everything down on a list. Greta has too much faith in you boys, I don’t know how she does it.”

“She’s pretty amazing when it comes to dealing with myself and her brother.” Ryan replied, taking the list from Natalie. “But thanks for coming by and checking up on us. I’m sure Greta will be grateful.”

“Of course!” Natalie beamed. “Oh, and I will have one of my friends look into getting you a personal trainer job at the gym.”

Ryan shrugged. “You really don’t need too.”

“Oh relax Ryan, it’s the least I could do.” Natalie responded, she patted his shoulder before locking eyes with him. It took everything inside of her not to kiss Ryan Bauer, with a quick hug she turned to leave.

“Like I said, thanks for everything.” Ryan spoke.

Natalie opened the door to see Marina Thurlow on the other side, in the middle of a knock. Her smile quickly faded. “I was wondering when you would show up.”

“Nice to see you too Natalie.” Marina spoke, pushing past her to hug Ryan and give him a long deep kiss.

Taking the hint, Natalie scowled and closed the door behind her. How Ryan ended up with Marina Thurlow was beyond her.


Scene Fifteen: Callahan Condo's: Marina & Cassie's Home
The best thing about living on her own for Cassie Lakhani was that she could wear anything she wanted around the house. When she was living at home in Summer Lake with her family, she had no privacy at all and had to share a room with her sister, Tamara.

Now that she shares an apartment with her best friend, Marina, she had all the privacy in the world. Cassie hummed along to a Britney Spears song as she cooked lunch, there was no telling when Marina would be back.

Cassie had only hoped Ryan could ease Marina’s mind where the article was concerned because Cassie couldn’t find anything wrong with it. Marina had always been way too hard on herself.

Knocking at the door caused Cassie to stop what she was doing.

“I’m coming!” She yelled, fiddling with the stove in the process.

As she approached the door she slipped on her night shirt that belonged to one of her ex boyfriends. “I wasn’t expecting-”

Her words caught in her throat. The man standing in front of her wasn’t anybody she recognized and immediately she felt uncomfortable in his presence. “Can I help you?” She asked regaining her composure.

“Cassie Lakhani?” The man asked, he seemed as stunned as she was.

Cassie nodded her head. “Do I know you or something?”

He shook his head no. “My name is Clifton Briggs.” An extended hand as an invitation.

As soon as their hands touched, Cassie pulled away. She knew exactly who this man was and it terrified her. “You raped me!”


Next Time on On Concrete Shelves...
+ Cassie tries to cope but is hit with another blow.
+ Frank comes clean.
+ Caitlyn and James are at odds.

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